To be honest, could you not just use instance variables instead of buying a behavior?
Sure! However, if you are going to do it over and over again for every prototype or game you make, you are going to waste a lot of time.
You'll have to account for the bugs that you may make again and again, all this time adds up. Plus, this behavior has some cool conditions that are triggered when the object is hurt, healed, dead, etc. You can make an object invincible very easily, all this is tested and works 100%, think about all the time and headaches you are going to save.
I made a lot of things in Construct 2 and other tools, and it is always the small stuff that takes time away from the project. Are you familiar with the 90% 90% rule? Google it!
I only release an addon after months and months of using it on live projects, I make them as easy to use as possible, I also make sure they have no bugs, I have a rigorous QA process that I go through for each and everyone of my addons.
Of course you are free to keep using instance variables and the event sheets, the plugin's code is not rocket science, there's even a page on how to implement it on the beginner tutorials, I'm just trying to help developers like you and me save time and not reinvent the wheel for every new project.