Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • I never understood why they got rid of this, why couldn't it just have sat there, collecting dust, being useful to whoever needed it?

    But I'm still trying to figure out why they dropped java like a hot potato without even a fallback plan.

  • I've updated the title in an attempt to make it easier to understand my issue.

  • Started a new topic as I'm working on a new method that would harness the power of the Jump-Through for stairs without having to enable it or disable the jump-through behavior, which is a benefit to multiple platform movement-based characters based layouts. Here's what I have so far: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ja6iexdx8i1y ... .capx?dl=0

    It *works* if you very carefully walk slowly by nudging the player over the staircase, somehow this misses the tick that calculates the jump-through and allows the character to walk past the stairs. If I could get that condition to always work faster than the jump-through, therefore being able to have the jump-through behavior enabled if the character falls onto the stairs/walks from a platform onto the stairs OR has the up-arrow pressed, it would replace the method of enabling and disabling the solid behavior (of which you can see has been disabled in the events, which is the old way of doing it)

    So what I'm asking is, how can I get the check that enables falling-through the jump-thru to work faster than the jump-through behavior is?

  • Here's an incredibly rough clone of what I'm using, the duplicate events are there for customizing if you want different lags on jumps and falls independently, at the moment all direction changes are the same, and you can change the "0.3 seconds" to adjust how much lag (faster reflexes) is there before the "camera operator" catches up with you. It basically adds a more human feel to the camera, since a real operator wouldn't know when you would change direction, but would be able to track you if you continued at a steady pace: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4f825i1vxzwcs ... .capx?dl=0

  • Okay, I think the problem is addressed here: new-feature-request-solid-ignore-select-solid_t79689

    and: selective-certain-solids-in-platform-behavior_t148723

    Which leaves me trying to create a new stairs function using jump-throughs. Here's an idea I had which, in theory could work if I could "fall through" to loop faster than the platform engine registers: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtgg5itcficxi ... .capx?dl=0

    Setting "fall through" for the player on every tick isn't good enough though, I need something that is faster than the platform engine can register the jump-through platform. If you walk slowly through the stairs, you can see the player just slightly goes up then keeps walking, if you run at full speed, the player skips over the "fall through" action. Is there a way this technique could be harnessed to create proper a staircase?

  • Sorry, this is the correct example, this has a random picker for the enemy to go upstairs on it's own random choosing and I corrected the keyboard condition, but you'll still notice the enemies stair function is screwing up the players: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1uwivi2bj1wgm ... .capx?dl=0

  • Or should I say, how do I enable and disable collisions for platform-movement based sprites, I'm using enable/disable solids on the staircase so it acts like a jump-through platform, but I want the enemies with platform functions to have their own enable/disable solid switches. Here's my example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1uwivi2bj1wgm ... .capx?dl=0

    You see how the enemies own solid disable/enable triggers are screwing up the players behaviors? Is there a way to have the interaction with the staircase have it's own individual settings per character/enemy?

  • Is it the same in desktop Chrome? Both are based on v47 now.

    Are you sure you haven't disabled vsync in nVidia control panel/Catalyst control center/any other graphics settings? Changing settings there has been known to cause problems in the past. By default Chrome should have pretty good v-sync by now.

    Yes, it looks the same in Chrome. Here's my settings from my nvidia panel (it does the same when set to integrated):

    I have no idea why it's calling it russian roulette!

  • I'd list all weapons in an array (weaponList), together with their current power (I'm guessing 1-3 is the power for each weapon, right?) so I could add as many weapons as I needed later. Also, I'd use a variable (selectedWeapon) to store which weapon is currently selected.

    So I could use the following code to switch:

    On <key> pressed >> Set selectedWeapon to (selectedWeapon + 1) % weaponList.Width

    When shooting, I'd just check selectedWeapon and the power of that weapon in weaponsList, and create the blasts accordingly.

    Do you have an example of this kind of idea that I could compare my own to? I've never used arrays and I think mine looks okay but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping my head together with it

  • Zebbi that would be a cool feature, but it's not possible in the current version, and I'm not actively developing Magicam at the moment, so there's little chance of seeing it any time soon.

    Actually, I made a little event list that kinda mimics a smart catch-up effect, I'll post it once I have a moment to isolate the events for an example.

  • Yes, v0.13.0 alpha 7 (Chromium 47) [Requires r217+]

  • So, with a simple array, let's say we tried to recreate Jazz Jackrabbit's weapons: http://budwin.net/insectoid/dos/jazz/jazzweapons.htm

    Width of 5 for the weapons (fast fire is not a weapon)

    and in height we can have 1 cell for the current ammo (all begin 0 besides blaster with, say, 10)

    another cell for hits required to kill enemy

    another for the max amount of rounds before you can't collect any more ammo per weapon

    and I guess a third to act like a boolean for fast-fire on or off (not sure if this could be done just via events though)

    Now, would this be the best way of setting up an array for this type of simple weapons system? If so, could you get away with adding and subtracting/retrieiving figures from the array without touching the expression editor?

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  • I have conditions to set a staircase solid enabled when the player stands on it in a certain way, and I was going to use this method to allow my platform-behavior enemies to use the stairs in the same way. Trouble is, now whenever my enemy stands on the staircase and its solid state is enabled, my player character and other enemies are affected by it. Is there a way of setting the solid state for an object so the solid state is different for each character, rather than being a global setting for all characters?

  • I'm having massive tearing issues with nw.js using the latest beta of C2 and the latest NW.JS, I'm using fullscreen scale. Is it a v-sync issue?

  • I fixed it by setting the angle of the container to match the terrain also, seems okay now!