Zebbi's Forum Posts

  • Zebbi it's true it is a bit of a sticker shock but again.. it's optional.. and you don't have to pay to use cocoon io.. it's better to pay yes, but you and I both know Zebbi we can make A game with cocoon io and never give them any money.. a splash screen is all they ask in return.. painless.. free..

    If I make a grand on a game, I'll pay them $500 to get rid of the splash, but as the chances of that happening are fairly skinny...

  • Yes, it does work.

  • I think people's initial reaction, understandably, is "but I bought C2! I shouldn't have to have branding when I build my game!" and I think until you get used to the fact that the options outside of cocoon are pretty dire, it does seem like a swizz. But Cocoon is an independent company offering compiles at native-like speeds for games made with a high-level programming language, it's up to them what they want to put on our games and how much to have it removed.

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to have "shaking layers"?

    For example, if a bomb explodes with a strength 50 shaking for a duration de 1 second, and if another event starts a strength 20 shaking for 0.3s during the bomb explosion, the bomb shaking immediately stops and the small shaking overrides the bomb one. Any way to have the big ones overriding the smaller ones, but when they finish, the other shakings occurring at the same time continue ?

    I think magicam works on the layout viewport rather than the layers, so perhaps a different method would be best?

  • I want to use one event sheet, and I want to access a localstorage item in the events, using one event for all layouts, but a different item for each layout. I was thinking of naming each layout 1,2,3,4 etc, and using

    Check item "bestscore"&LayoutName exists

    to use a different localstorage item, depended on which layout it is. Is that the correct way of setting/calling the item? I assume they would then be named and checked at "bestscore1", "bestscore2", etc? I just want to ask before I try it, in case I'm scrabbling around trying to make sense of things!

  • https://standard-discourseorg.netdna-ss ... 1cf83e.zip give that a spin <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • Yep! works much better now, thanks! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

    Glad it works for you! Took me trial and error to get that right, if you find a better way that fixes that initial refresh, let me know! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    Also, I posted here: https://github.com/CocoonIO/cocoon-plugins-c2/issues/13

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  • Here's the way it fixes that for me, still refreshes once but I'm working on a solution to that, for now:

    Start of Layout >

    -------------------------Hide Banner Ad

    -------------------------Load a Banner Ad

    -------------------------Set banner layout

    When you want to show ads

    Trigger Once >

    -------------------------Show the banner ad

  • Hi! Some of them went to our old office (Electroline House). I am going to pick them up at some point in the not too distant future and PM people when I do! In the meantime, please take note of our new address which should be updated everywhere

    Don't worry, any sent to our old address are not lost!

    Edit: Blarg, saying that, old address is still in forum footer! My fault, sorry!

    Did you manage to find all of the January postcards?

  • Zebbi glad it's going well for you still. No solution out there is going to be without some bumps along the way, but from what I am see it's the best option..

    Oh bumps, I've had too many to count, but after persisting and persisting, it came out well in the end.

  • I managed to make cocoon.io look native by turning off pixel rounding and destroying certain sprites that left the viewport by inverting "is on-screen". I use chipmunk physics which is alot faster than C2's and it's smooth at 60fps at most times. Cocoon is definitely the future and I hate smart phones (I have an iPhone 5s for messenging but test on my friends Sony Xperia), never play apps and didn't know jack about developing for apps until a month ago. I've got a whole load of plugins I'm using in C2 and I didn't develop my current app with any particular device in mind, I just used horizontal 16:9 for the layout. if I can get silk smooth with cocoon, there's really no reason why anyone else can't.

  • This is genius, Gigatron !

  • Zebbi

    Instead of using the actual leaderboard name you have to use the Leaderboard ID. I wonder if this is the issue you are having. I had the same issue because the plugin asks for the leaderboard name and even gives an example of the name. So just create a variable with the Leaderboard ID and use that. Let me know if that's the issue you are having

    Also as far as the ads quickly loading. I ran into the same issue and I narrowed it down to the event On banner loaded triggered multiple times even when calling it just once. So I used a variable in the event and changed it the very first time the On banner loaded got triggered.

    I agree they should not describe it as the leaderboard name, but I've always used the ID since I started working with C2's built-in plugin, then cranberry's and both suggest using the ID. It's working now, it was a major mistake on my behalf of using the wrong package name in the game services!

    Believe it or not but just two days ago I tried usign a variable that did like you described and it didn't help, I might try it again with a blank layer on the top set to active and see if that helps. At the moment, the way I have it doesn't refresh but it DOES load it again when it is unhidden, which is weird and flakey looking.

  • An idea, perhaps some forums here for each of the major compilers like cocoon and xdk, just list them as unofficial and use them as a place where users can offer inter-user adive, alot better than everyone going to the cocoon forums or the xdk forums, both aren't much help tbh.

    If it's not considered to be Scirra's responsibility to offer unofficial support for the compilers, look at it this way, Scirra advertises it's capabilities in developing games for mobile platforms and without these compilers there would be no mobile games.

  • yea so far my webview testing hasn't helped my situation either.. in fact i'm having some issues getting things to compile now with webview at all.. glad to be a silver member though now so i can have test projects up along side my actual projects and not have to share the same space..

    Have you figured out how to keep an app logged in forever to google games? I appreciate a one-time login but everytime I start the app?