Zaaephod's Forum Posts

  • I've been using PodSixNet for multiplayer since 0.99.90. Accessing private variables works, though the string problem still exists, and python's inability to access behavior variables is still a problem. I have found workarounds to deal with it though. If I need access to a behavior variable, I've just been adding it as a PV for the object, and setting the PV to the value of the behavior variable I want.

    My only big complaint is that when you have a condition with python script AFTER a set of actions, the python script will run first, before the actions. This means that when an object is created, and you try to send information about it to all other players, you can't actually access the variables associated with that object until the next tick. I have yet to find a workaround for that problem that isn't a bandaid style fix. That has nothing to do with PodSixNet though.


    Oh, I thought I'd add one more thing here. Earlier I had posted about having to run the server as an EXE. Turns out, I was able to combine the server and client into one file. When you enter the game, you have the option to be the server, or join as a client. This works well, and has allowed me to create one version of the game, rather than struggling with separate server and client programs. When I'm ready to test, I just copy the game to each computer on the network using autohotkey. Pretty neat.

    Also, Lucid's PY plugin turned out to be a very handy tool for dealing with picking, and multiple instances of objects within python. Sorry, I don't have a link for it atm.

  • I had a similar problem using renders from blender. I ended up using a PNG format, rendering using RGBA, and the premultiplier. Not sure if this is useful for your software, but it's the combination that worked for blender.

  • Have you tried deleting the associated .persist files? That has fixed it for me in the past. They're usually with your game's files.

    EDIT: Also, most people use the latest unstable build, instead of the stable ones. The most recent one can be found here:

  • It makes me very happy to see that things are added, fixed and improved often in Construct. Thanks for your time and devotion guys!

    PS: I sure hope integrated multi-player support is coming (just had to stick that in there)

    PPS: Yes, I'm using the PodSixNet stuff right now, but troubleshooting it is painful.

  • Lucid, could we get a tutorial on how you made that? Thanks!

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  • Ok, that I can handle.

    Next, I've got some python script for network communication directly after an object's creation. The code runs, but the same problem seems to be coming up here now, too. The variables for the object don't exist yet because the object was just brought into existence.

    I need to transmit the x/y location, its uid, and some private variables about its creation. Rawr. This is being more difficult than I expected.

    EDIT: I can set a text box to show the value of the created object's UID, but the python script throws an error on any variable I try to access about it until the next tick. Hmm..

    EDIT2: It appears that the python script is running before the other actions in the event. I set the value of a text box to the x/y location of the created object. After that I have a python script trying to read those values. When run, the python error pops up before the text box shows the x/y locations.

    Here's an example CAP to show what I mean:

    If this is a limitation of the interface, I can live with that, I just need to figure out a reasonable work around. I had written down 28 different kinds of units I planned on making, so hopefully whatever it is won't be too long or complicated.

  • Okay, well then I'm going to have to find a way to make it happen after the first tick, because I need to color filter several objects that are created at once, based on each player's number.

    As you can see with the example below, only one of the sprites is being colored.

    What I'm doing is, upon network connection, each client that connects to the server is given a unique number. After that, a random start position on the map is chosen for that player, and a starting building and harvesters are created. Rather than have to draw each color of each unit and building, I drew them all white, with the intention of using the color filter to apply colors after creation.

    Any ideas?

    EDIT: I made a 'only trigger once' event, based on whether or not the player has a number assigned yet, and moved it above the section that creates the sprites, so that it triggers on the second tick after creation. It works, but I'd still like to get that code out of the main loop.



  • It would appear that I cannot set the color filter on an object during the same tick that it has been created? If I put the code for it right after the creation code, it doesn't work. If I put the same code in a button, it works fine.

    Any ideas on how to solve this without gimicky bandaid code?



  • Looks very cool Namre, it looks well thought out, and has a good amount of building tension.

  • I really like your artwork!

  • Can someone please check Platform and see if it crashed for you? Just make two solid boxes and give the top one Platform, it crashes on run for me.

    I just tried it too, no crash here. I don't have any previous platform games to test though.

  • Ahh, ok. Anything else out there that has more features than the standard edit box?

  • Made good progress today

    The only thing I'm having trouble with is the SpriteFont plugin's edit box. I can get SpriteFont to display text no problem, but I'm not getting anything at all when trying to use the edit box. Maybe it's late and I'm not thinking clearly. Could someone give me a quick rundown on how you'd normally set one up, or maybe a sample cap file please? I've been at it for over an hour, and have yet to even see it do anything at all.

    Thanks !

  • YAY!! That just made a problem I was facing much easier.

    Next questions:

    1- Can I access a global variable by way of a variable for its name?

    Something like this: global(object.value('somevar')) ?

    2- Is it possible to force an edit box to always scroll to the bottom as text is added?

    3- I have a bunch of text boxes and such on a layer. I'd like to just make them invisible, but turning the layer visibility to invisible doesn't seem to work. I also tried setting the edit box's visibility to invisible at the start of layout, but it still appears. Will I need to destroy them and create them on the fly as I need them?

    Thanks, and happy 4th!

  • Has the problem with accessing private variables through python been fixed? I've not found a definite answer. If so, maybe I'm doing it wrong.


    should be correct, yes?