Youtopize's Forum Posts

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  • Hi mekonbekon, thank you for getting back to me. I have been postponing this issue because I thought it would be fairly easily solved, but I now see it might be more complicated than I thought. I have been focusing on creating content and storing it in the form of a 2D array in Excel, although I still intend to convert it to a JSON 3D array (to use in the framework that you provided, thanks again for that).

    Adding square brackets to each entry and getting to a correct syntax in JSON might be tricky. Do you know a better way to handle the data of a 3D array, that can then be converted to JSON? Or should I just become familiar with the JSON format and store the data in a .txt file?

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  • Hi mekonbekon,

    I figured I would address you directly since you are more or less aware of my project and have been of great help to me.

    I am trying to set up the questions and answers array in Excel and then transfer it to JSON using the framework that you kindly provided. I have found this website to transfer from xls to JSON:

    shancarter. github. io /mr-data-converter/ (here it is again with a spaces in case I can't send links)

    The problem is that I can't get it to load the array properly on Construct 2. Being able to manipulate the data in Excel would save a lot of time, so I would appreciate it if you could help me.

    Many thanks

  • Here's an example of doing parsing of a custom format: ... ormat.capx


    Does anyone know where I can find this file? The link does not seem to work.


  • Thank you very much! That is great. I had to add a stop animation event because it just kept going through all the frames, I don't know why your capx doesn't have the same problem, but it works perfect with the stop animation event!

  • Hello mekonbekon,

    Thanks again for your help, I am making good progress!

    I was wondering if you knew a way to store images in arrays. For example, imagine the feedback included the text and an image. Could I store the name of the image in another Z layer and somehow call it and have the image appear on the layout?

  • That is great! Thank you very much mekonbekon, that is exactly what I needed. I will read a bit on how to use JSON. It does seem more efficient to keep all the data in the same array, with the points for the categories at different depth levels. I will look into how to present the data contained in the array in different layouts, pause the loop to add mini-games and so on, but that seems the best way to approach it.

    I see what you mean I was going to do the game in a similar way, the one that seems more "intuitive" to me. But I want this project to be easily expanded, so I felt that my way (similar to yours) would be inefficient in the long run. I hadn't thought of the set invisible option, that seems like a good idea for the feedback text box, thank you!

  • Hello,

    I have been going through the forums for the past few days and I am amazed by the quality of the advice provided here. I am trying to make a choice-based game and have seen some similar examples in the forum (for instance ) which have been of great help, especially However, I am still unclear of what the best method is, so I am starting this thread.

    My intention is to create a game as follows; the player is prompted a question (Q1) such as "You have encountered a bear. What do you want to do?" He is given two possible answers (1a and 1b), which could be 1a="fight!" and 1b="run!". Upon choosing an answer, I would like three things to happen:

    1. Feedback is given to the player (for instance, if he chose 1b: "run!", output "player starts running towards the river")

    2. After the feedback (on tap or click) the next question is presented, where answer 1a leads to question Q2 and 1b to Q3 (for instance: "You have reached the river, what do you want to do?"). Also, the possible answers to the Question should be displayed (3a:"Keep running" and 3b: "Jump into the river").

    3. Points are assigned to 5 categories depending on the answer. For instance, answer 1a: "fight!" would give +2 points to strength and -3 to sanity.

    From what I have read, I am guessing that the best option is to have a 2D array of feedbacks and questions and a 2D array with answers and their corresponding scores.


    ----------------- Q1

    Feedback 1a Q2

    Feedback 1b Q3

    Feedback 2a Q4...


    1a +2 -3 +0 +0 +0

    1b -1 +4 +0 +1 +0




    There is obviously a mathematical relationship:

    Answer 1a (row 1) leads to feedback 1a and Q2 (row 2)

    1b (row 2) leads to Q3 (row 3)

    2a (row 3) leads to Q4 (row 4)

    2b (row 4) leads to Q5 (row 5)

    Therefore the relationship is:

    Row of Answer chosen leads to row of Feedback and Question +1

    The problem is that I do not know how to link the two arrays using Construct 2. I only started with C2 recently, and have not explored all the possibilities yet, but I am guessing it would be necessary to have 3 text boxes, 1 for Qs and 2 for answers, and another layout with a feedback text box.

    On click of answer 1a, the scores should be added to global variables and the layout should change to the feedback text box. On another click the Q text box should be updated to Q2 and the answer text boxes to 2a and 2b.

    I am guessing I would have to use for loops to connect the arrays, but any guidance on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

    In case this method does not work, how bad it would be to do the game question by question (for approximately 500 questions)? For example, have the same 3 text boxes and writing down as events all the consequences of clicking one answer, in a sort of cumulative sub-events (I think)?

    I apologise for the long post, I have tried to keep it abstract, just in case I get the help I need it will also help other people who are trying to find a way to relate the data of two different arrays.

    Thank you.

  • Thank you very much for this.

  • Thank you for your help, much appreciated.

  • Hello,

    I want to build a game app that has a similar framework to the "Dictator" games by Tigrido, but includes a narrative that would be based on "if loops". I am a civil engineer, so I only know how to code on Matlab.

    I was wondering if Construct 2 would be a good software to build such a game app, and if so, could anyone point me in the direction of similar examples or tutorials?

    Thank you.

  • 10 posts