You can add the browser object to your game, then use the request fullscreen action.
that is correct, use Browser Plugin /request Fullscreen
global Var Enemys as number
when Enemy is spawned increase the Var Enemys
when destoyed decrease the Var Enemys
create a layer with paralax 0,0 and place a text with the label Enemys_left_txt
every tick --> Enemys_left_txt = Enemys
no problem here to help
Use the Browser Plugin
On Layout startet
(Browser) request Fullscreen
here is a Tutorial
1080p is good for that
that depends on the Platform you want to use
put an var on every sound namend active make it a boolean wich is false
on Playbuttonclicked
Red bar move
if redbar is on collision with sound
set the var of the sound to true
if sound is clicked (with condition active is true)
Play sound
i hope that helps
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
what res are you talking about ?
ok you can create an 3D FPS like COD if you are buying the 3D plugin! if you are new try something easier than that.
Well Unreal Engine 4 can publish to html5 aswell. And the new Blueprintsystem(Visual Scripting System like in C & C2) is very cool and powerful. You can do 3D and 2D or mix it if you want. As an 3D (or 2D alternative) UE 4 is the better choice.
C2 is in my eye's the way to get in Game Design. Its easy to understand and still very powerful and capable of great games creation.
i don't think that is what he is looking for, but nice game Knight05
it is possible in C2 but i wouldn't do it in C2. But that is your choice
Its a top down shooter!
But FPS is different. you should switch to a 3D engine like Unity or UE 4
pin the objects to a circle wich is invisible. rotate it and slowly scale it down