there are several but i think his question is answered so far
healthbar should have a width of 200 px
Var Health 0 -100 for example
1. set the Origin of your HealthbarImage to the left.
2. on every tick --> Healthbar.width = Health * 2
thats it
you could use bullet & turret behavior on the missle and set up the parameter so its only reacting to a specific enemy Type.
when the right enemy is in range change the angle towards it.
Its pretty basic but it should work
yes its still actual. Send me a PM please
we still look for team members. Event Scripter & Designer
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
nice artworks, but a little more on how and what would be nice. And do you need a Coder or an Eventscripter?
you have a PM Remus B
Just Construct 2 Events
camtasia studio, there you can scale the record window
there are different ways, but how did you set up your HUD?
you can transfer it.
create 2 more global variables named stage, counter as numbers
on collision with Ball
Add 1 to Score
Add 1 to Counter
Counter greater or equal 5
set Counter =0
Add 1 to Stage
where exactly is the problem?
add point to score
pin behaviour should work fine