How would I substract health from A custom Gui made Health bar Image?
This maybe a little, inaccurate, but you could have it so you chop the health bar into sections and then set them to invisible to visible, not sure how you would do that, but it's all I could think of
Please search the Tutorials before posting here, You can find so many tutorials about Health bars there.
healthbar should have a width of 200 px
Var Health 0 -100 for example
1. set the Origin of your HealthbarImage to the left.
2. on every tick --> Healthbar.width = Health * 2
thats it
Okay thanks yonda !!
Wisdoms there is no tutorial on custom gui not with construct
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
lilvee1989 Search "Hud" or "Health bar" i'm pretty sure there is more than one
there are several but i think his question is answered so far
wisdoms you were right about custom health bars i never knew you can just search for tutorials from this website . im usually on youtube or sum . Wow so what cant this engine do then?
But i dont see a tutorial on custom main menus made in photoshop or how to change custom game icons
Health bars tutorial