yme's Forum Posts

  • Not sure, but - About - allow browser to store stuff.

    edit... oh not browser, idk then.

  • You could put another For loop inside the first one. But the way you have it currently loops always and probably leads to an error.

  • I think the best way is to use System - For loops (use two fors, name them for example "x" and "y").

    For "x" from 1 to 5 create sprite at loopindex("x") * sprite.width

    For "y" from 1 to something create sprite at loopindex("y") * sprite.height

    idk, something like that.

  • idk but try to put trigger once as the last condition.

  • Tween?

  • No idea what you are trying to do here but just from looking at the image, the following advice might help.

    Put stuff as subevents and use (system) else. Right click the green arrow on the left side of event sheet trigger event and add blank subevent. Do it twice or more. Then moven stuff there.

    Keyboard on right arrow pressed

    - if Pikmin frame = 1 ... then set Pikmin frame to 0, Act frame to 1

    - else if Act frame = 1 ... then set Act frame to 0, Item frame to 1

    - else if Item frame = 1 ... then set Item frame to 0, Mercy frame to 1

  • It's available in runtime 3 (advanced settings to change from 2). Go to the bottom of the event sheet, then right click + add function.

  • Actually maybe better to have it on, but to reduce grid size to 8x8 or what ever you like. And turn off "show grid" to have a cleaner look.

  • In layout settings snap to grid off.

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  • I guess you could run an event every tick (each frame) where you save the position of the touch to variables (varX1, varY1, varX2, varY2) and use more variables for distance info. Touch.X and Touch.Y expressions combined with distance(x1, y1, x2, y2).

    Something like this...

    Every tick

    set varX1 to varX2

    set varY1 to varY2

    set varX2 to Touch.X

    set varY2 to Touch.Y

    set varDistanceChange to distance(varX1, varY1, varX2, varY2)

    set varDistance to varDistance + varDistanceChange

    set varDistanceChange to 0

    Then based on the distance travelled (varDistance) decrease the thickness of the canvas drawing line.

  • I would do it like this:

    After the 0.1 s beat has ended, take away one point from the score.

    On space pressed

    -if beatToTap is true, then give two points resulting in a +1 score.

    -else, then take away one point resulting in -2 points in total.

    But to remove cheating (pressing space many times during this 0.1 window), you would need to deactivate the space pressing group to not count multiple hits. Or simply set beatToTap to false after the first succesfull press.

  • Instead of relying on a superhuman skill of pressing the button at the exact tick/frame the beat happens, you could have the "on button pressed" trigger inside a group. You must activate and deactivate that group in a way that the player has a window of at least 0.1 seconds to have the correct timing.


    Beat is about to happen:

    activate group

    (Group contains "on space pressed" event)

    after 0.1 seconds deactivate that group no matter what.

    If succesfull press, then yey



    Edit... oh it didn't show me the image when I read your post.

  • Animation editor set anchor point to left or something. Edit... Tween behaviour too will be useful.

  • I don't know, but you can put events into a group and disable it so they don't run. And when you want them to start running again, you enable that group.

  • Need to be using C2 runtime for one of my projects to test on my old 3rd gen iPad, so I can't use the new features like Drawing Canvas. Can the Gesture Recognizer be used without Drawing Canvas? Would be cool to just have it recognize and not record. Also the Color picker seems useful, might get that for other projects.