Yarfapet's Forum Posts

  • Just to toss up ideas, how much power would circular collision take?

  • I'd definitively like to see some kind of save support eventually (Either local or Server side). Also, I''m not sure who this falls to, but full sound support would be nice (Works in previews, loops, ability to stop sounds). More plugins without a doubt.

  • Nice job on the new release. I like how this is turning out.

    BTW, would it make sense to mark auto-complete suggestions that aren't expressions in themselves? Like:




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  • EDIT: The version posted below was made with an old version of C2's SDK it will not work in current versions. For a version that works please see septeven's fix here.

    This is a simple plugin that will let you incorporate real time into your programs. I believe there was a person or two who wanted it. I must say, this was quite the fun learning experience. I was rather alienated with C1's method of developing plugins.So being able to take a notepad and make something felt kind nice. Anyway, enjoy.

    Plugin comes with expressions for: Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Date, Day of the Week, Month, and Year.

    Plugin/Example Cap

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103 ... lockv1.rar

    Web Example

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103 ... index.html


    -No actions or conditions, just expressions

    -This is a gutted mouse. Let me know if any of parts are still squeaking

    -Javascript also has built in codes for UTC time, timezone offset, and preformated strings. Anyone want?

  • How is the rock thrown, arcing or straight?

    For straight you could turn off gravity and just apply force toward the direction of the target.

    Arcing however I do believe will prove more of a problem

  • http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10316081/blood.cap

    Something simple I was toying around with, could probably give a survival horror game a bit more realism.


    1. Right click shoots, Left click moves victim. Arrow keys move

    2. Blur affect used for appearance

    3. Blood fades to white because particle/canvas pasting doesn't work with transparencies. Might be able to find a away around it using a couple of effects.

  • I think this might be able to help you


  • I would definitely say if anything merge them with families. Provided anyway that they can in some way easily be added and removed from the family as needed. Having a trait that makes other objects react to you but doesn't actually make the object itself act doesn't seem very "behavioury".

    Something I'd do with the behaviors though is not hardcode them to rely on an object being in a certain family but be able to define in the behavior settings what family (Or even families) that behavior should treat as a solid, platform, etc.

  • sorry you could not open the cap. did i link the wrong file? is anyone else having a problem opening the cap?

    It says Background.png is missing. Sorry for not clarifying that.

  • Couldn't get the file to open. But here's what I'd do:.

    Make another variable in the background. When one hits the wall, set it to one. Then have that variable equal to 1 Move down and reverse direction. Set to zero.

  • I'm a regular Chrome user, and it works fine there. I couldn't tell you about the rest. But I originally got the idea from studying a list of javascript time commands. I realized while toying around with it that I was getting a much more precise number than expected. I wonder if getmiliseconds() could offer a universal solution if there's compatibility issues with the way I have it implemented now.

    EDIT: Chrome version is 11.0.696.16 beta

  • The ridiculous and controversial clothing of Gaga is why she's famous. If all Gaga had going for her was her music then she would already be forgotten.

    If you can get people talking then you can make up for your mediocre music.

    From what I've heard, she used to play piano and her music used to be rather tame. Just goes to show you the F'ed up society we live in.

  • I do believe I've found out how to get a true delta time, and it doesn't even require an update.



    First number number is dt

    Second is FPS generated from it

    Third is the internal fps expression.

    Click to add another circle.

    EDIT: Would everyone be willing to test these in your browser?

    "Get Time" Delta


    "Get Milliseconds" Delta


    I can't offer the .capx for the second one. I had to monkey rig construct to make it.

  • if you can draw a diagram of how the different values interact, like explaining the function of each of the sphere equations and what events use which, and why, I might be able to help. I've made 3d spheres and such in construct before. quazi's done much more 3d stuff. It all makes sense when you're the one doing it, but , for me at least, without having freshly been working on sphere math, deciphering this over a large cap would be tedious, especially not knowing which part is an error.

    An explanation of the math you're using, from which frame of reference would be helpful. for instance, is there a fake camera running through private variables and events, if so, how does it interact with the magiccam. why -270. If you're using sphere math, a basic diagram showing construct properties and variables as they correspond to the terms in the equations, especially the ones dealing with normals or surface angles, since I believe that's where the problem is. Without some basic information, it would be a bit of a project just to figure out what's going on.

    I've made a few changes, mainly I've removed a couple of scrap values and events that had no real purpose or were for thing not really pertaining to this. Also the reliance on color replace was taken out (Part of a lighting experiment)

    Anyway, the math I'm using mainly came from Wikipedia's perspective projection page ( I use the non-matrix code, but stop when I have 3 values). Also bits of codes from the 3d wolfinstein demo and my modification of it.

    1.Is their a fake camera?

    Yes. Everything is faked...except for camera rolling. This is why the formula is filled with Cos(0) and Sin(0), since these are where the camera roll angles would have normally gone (Kept in in case I needed to make comparisons to the original formula)

    2.How does it interact with Magicam?

    I actually don't have a complete clue. But it has to do with camera rolling. I've checked head to toe for references to Magicam in the events, but can't find any. But when I remove the inlevel instance, Roll controls stop working.

    3. Why -270?

    The design I was going for had the 2D map be a overhead map. The formula I had created however made the map become frontside view. I compensated for this by tilting the camera 270 degrees. The pitch of the block is set to camera pitch-270 to counter act the camera's rotation and make level design easier.

    4. The Values.

    "World" Block positioning is similar to the wolfinstein examples. Position in 2d space determines 3d X and Z. The map pieces have a "3DY" value that determine just that...the block's Y position in 3D space. The camera also uses this.

    The size of the blocks are also determined in a similar fashion, with 2d Width and Height determining 3d width and depth. And a separate "Height" variable for actual 3D height.

    The "World" Yaw of a block is determined by it's 2D representative's rotation on the map, and its "World" pitch by a private variable held. How to actually get said world pitch to work is what I'm inquiring about. There two blocks with a non-zero pitch, they are the two lone striped (Cyan) blocks.

    The test global variable is simply a runtime adjustable variable that currently serves no purpose.

  • Seriously? Nothing?