Yarfapet's Forum Posts

  • Actually no. The original system doesn't (At least with 3d box), and the one I'm suggesting wouldn't work with a simple "Reset after 360" since a rotation on Yaw at one point could be completely different at another.

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  • As someone who likes screwing around with 3D, one thing I think would make construct much more flexible with 3D without making it much more complicated would be an applied rotations system.

    It would essentially work like this:

    Suppose you had a game with ball (With a star on it) and overhead view. All you have to do is get the ball in the goal, and you win. Sound simple?

    One problem, how the heck do you animate the ball? You could do in 3D, but the current rotation system would make this a coding nightmare. Your ball rolling up and down (Pitch) would be fine, but the left and right(Yaw) would get screwed up by the pitch. Doing this in 2d would only add the nightmare of animating the ball as well.

    Anyway, an applied rotations system would be a bit different. Instead of changing the the Yaw Pitch and Roll. It adds it on top of everything else.

    You could say

    Rotate Yaw by 25 degrees

    Rotate Pitch by 30 degrees

    Rotate Yaw by -10 degrees

    Or in the examples case:

    Rotate Yaw by 3DBall[8Direction].VectorX

    Rotate Pitch by 3DBall[8Direction].VectorY

    And it would do the rotations in that order, and do those same rotations every frame. But that leads to an issue where rotations are recalculated every frame, since the math would just stack up on itself. A fourth command is necessary.

    Reset Rotations

    Done every frame proceeding actual rotations, and you essentially have the old system, with a huge degree (Of being able to decide rotation order) of control added. This would certainly make giving life to 3D elements in a game a bit easier and allow for more complicated designs. Sorry if I stretched this out a bit

  • GAH! So sorry. Completely slipped mind.

    Here's the files


    Note: Any one is welcome to use these in examples, but no large projects, and certainly nothing commercial. Attribution as used would also be nice.

  • I guess I'm going to have to get used to the change. I always used animation angles.

  • {
         float2 t = Tex;          
          float x = t.x * t.y * round(frameCounter/ Speed);
          x = fmod(x,Mod) * fmod(x,Mod);     
          float dx = fmod(x,XSize/100);
          float dy = fmod(x,YSize/100);
          float4 c = tex2D(foreground, t + float2(dx,dy));          
          return c;

    Nice Plugin BTW

    EDIT: I guess you could also take out the round if you wanted something more fluid. But noise has never struck me as being such.

  • At one time I was thinking about how to make a 3D animated character, I quickly realized that having a limbless character (A Rayman styled one) would make 3d animation much easier, and you could simply use the model switch trick when you needed to say switch hand positions or something. Rojohound's new plugin pretty much solved the texture half of the issue. I was unfortunate to learn about halfway through designing a 3d camera system (And this a while ago) that constructs 3d object rotation's reliance on eular angles pretty much sinks the idea of being able to competently do even that kind of animation without a borderline inhuman amount of calculations.

    This was going to be the star BTW: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10316081/protocat.PNG

  • No prob. BTW, this just dawned on me now. But if you ever wanted to clean up your code further, you could always put all the aicars in a family and reference the family instead of the individual cars, then you'd only have to write the code once.

    Construct, one heck of a gradual learning process.

  • First I can tell you that having Always is redundant when it's surrounded by other conditions. Secondly I'd recommend making a single waypoint object and giving them each a value dictating which one they are.

    Third, make it so when the waypoint's value equals the car, that a waypoint should be added to it.

    Finally, make it so when the car overlaps a point it sets the car's value to it's value+1

    I think that should do it.

    EDIT: Oh, and if car's value=31, set to 1

  • 64bit install is OK! My day has pretty much sucked, so this was nice surprise.

  • Surprised nobody's brought this up yet anywhere, but how about the ability to change z order during runtime?

  • I can't get to their site...


    Our servers are getting hit pretty hard right now. We're working on increasing our capacity. Hold tight!

    From their twitter

  • Is it not working? I thought I coded support for that!

    Actually, I was asking how to if there was. There aren't any plugins that I know of currently that use it, and I'm mostly learning everything through studying other plugins.

  • Is there any way right now for expressions to have parameters? As in:


  • I'm glad for the addition of Force own texture, Thanks! Now I can do this:

    (Move lights with keyboard and mouse)


    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10316081/Constr ... index.html


    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10316081/Constr ... ample.capx

  • Distance is close, but not exact. Using distance alone would only work with a perfect circle (I was also somewhat inquiring about oval shapes), and would only work with other objects that you wanted point collision or perfect circle collision (Compensating with the other objects circle radius). What if you had a ball and a box?. Plus, the formulas would thrown off entirely if the option to change an objects hot spot is added.