Yarfapet's Forum Posts

  • Some lower grade keyboards have weird limits on how many keys you can press at a time. I had an old keyboard where I couldn't hold up/right and the X button on my keyboard.

  • Haven't tried this myself, but if you're trying to limit the frame rate for effect purposes, then you might be able to accomplish a psudo-limited with the timescale option. Like:

    If you're trying to halve the frame. Have a counter that changes from 1 to 0 (Or vise versa) every frame.

    Set the time scale to 2 on 1's and 0 on 0's.

    Basically, nothing happens on half the frames and twice as much happens on the others. Provided you've been using dt in the correct places.

    You may be able to find a way to limit event sheets to every other frame doing something similar, but this I wouldn't recommend. In fact, I wouldn't recommend any of this to be honest.


    The other option I can think of would be even more unstable, but you could make "cpu stressor" that would start adding junk to a scene if the frame rate was too high and delete it if it got too low.

    EDIT: Just realized halfway through putting together a quick example of the first, that it would be frame skipping not limiting. Anyway, here you go: dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10316081/Construct/FrameSkip/frameskip.capx

  • [tube]tcSYBnAt5z8[/tube]

    A game I've started working on recently. Kinda hard to describe what it is exactly(Video shows a very small part of gameplay).

  • - WebGL transform : easy and fast. Works only on system with good WebGL support (no iOS and Android). However I pokked around C2's structure, and I have no way to grab the WebGL canvas as a texture. Perhaps Ashley can provide me a hint here ?

    There's actually a way right now to get a mode7-esk effect with WebGL effects. Specifically by using the lens effect with a linear gradient over the thing(s) you want to transform. However, because of the monkey rigged way it's done, the result is mostly useless for actual games.

    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/10316081/pics/Capture.PNG" border="0" />

    So yeah, I think a Webgl effect might be your best bet right now.

  • Thank you very much sir.

  • ---------------------------

    Construct 2 Check failure


    Check failure! This is probably a bug:

    Getting event sequence number from event without one assigned

    Condition: sequence_number != 0

    File: Projects\Event.cpp

    Line: 30

    Function: unsigned int __cdecl Event::GetEventSequenceNumber(void) const

    Build: release 80 (64-bit) checked

    Component: Construct 2 IDE

    (Last Win32 error: 0)

    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way. Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports! Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.


    Abort   Retry   Ignore   


    Just got something similar when I added an Event Sheet Include

  • Is there any way to get access to the Z-buffer data for use in things like effects?

  • Started messing around with particles and got a rather trippy result.


    Heads up multiple particles and effects use. May run slowly on some computers.

  • Yeah...I have no idea.

    This plugin was made way back at Revision 33 (Current: 76), and was mostly me just screwing around with a code I had next to no idea how to use. I'm guessing since then, a few things may have changed with Construct 2.

    I'll try giving it a look sometime this week, but the only way I could really see myself "fixing" this would be to, gut the mouse plugin again, and remake the plugin. Which I currently do no have a lot of time to do.

    My sincerest apologizes

    If anyone else would like to jump in, be my guest. Wouldn't be surprised if it was something really simple.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Haven't messed around with the physics in C2 much. But I know in CC,you could check at the point of explosion the distance and angle of each block from it, and then apply force in the opposite direction in comparison to how close the block was and that would get a decent looking result.

  • So in other words doing:



    will not work. I in fact have to create multiple text objects to create the effect that I want. Well this makes it a bit difficult.

    There is an HTML object, if you feel like toying around with that.

  • Could you post or send the cap? I have a small hunch what it might be, although I'm still somewhat of a novice and can't really tell just from the errors.

  • Not bad. I survived 34 seconds.

    Bug: If an enemy passes you and the music starts to slow, if another one passes you the slowdown resets.

    Suggestion: Mouse control, should be easy if you get the mouse's angle from the center.

  • > By all means post it


    (using Yarfapets 3D python example)

    I changed the layout and window to 800x600, so it might be a bit slower?

    Nice, a few simple changes can do so much. Even with the resolution bump I'm still getting more than 2.5x the speed I was getting before (200-250fps average).

    One quick note though, the formulas used are resolution dependent.

    WorldObj[n].X=WorldObj[n].X+320 (Should be half the horizontal res)

    WorldObj[n].Y=WorldObj[n].Y+272* (Should be half the vertical res)

    In this case



    *Yeah, I just realized I screwed that up too