xyboox's Forum Posts

  • Ashley, sorry to bring this back to discussion, but ... how about this:

    I tried to compile using first appMobi ( first using directCanvas, then using the webview ) with same results. Then I tried with Cocoon. Exact same result.

    Then, I reduced the frames in my animations to a little under 300 and... it works with all compilers: phonegap, appmobi and cocoon. I then started adding a few frames at a time, and as soon as their number is > 300, the same error is thrown for every method of compiling.

    However, it is not about the number of entities in the project, but specifically about the total number of images ( as animation frames ). I added sound files so that the number of objects passed well 300 and it still works as long as the number of items in "images" folder is < 300. Now, this might be because audio files are streamed ( maybe?).

    So... where this 300 come from? Who sets this limit?

    Thanks, any hint is welcome :)

    LE: if it matters, the code that throws the error in c2runtime.js is this ( inside the 'if' ):

    if (spritesheeted)


       ctx.drawImage(cur_image, cur_frame.offx, cur_frame.offy, cur_frame.width, cur_frame.height, myx, myy, w, h);



  • This can not be a browser limitation since I have a game with ~700 images ( as animations frames ) and it plays OK on mobile browser ( Android 2.3.6 ), but can't compile using phonegap. I am not talking about exporting the C2 project for phonegap, but actually using that export into an eclipse phonegap compile, which throws the error ranma did mentioned.

    That leaves me no option but to think is a webview limitation. Now, my question: how come that the webview is different then the browser itself? Shouldn't be the same? Is there a way to overcome this limitation? How about using an expansion pack? Would that help ( if it's even possible )? In my case, reducing the files number from 700 to 300 is obviously ... not an option :)

  • Thanks KYATRIC. It does happen for post replays too, but only sometimes ( or maybe as you said in certain posts ). But for PM is ... always.

  • Every time I send a PM, at first it serves me a "Access denied" page, as in the attached screenshot. Then if I hit "back" in browser and re-submit, it works. Is it the same for everyone else?


    <img src="http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/4963/screenshot3xn.png" border="0" />

  • Great stuff tap! Thanks once more.

  • Hey tap,

    I was just playing with the cookie object of appMobi plugin and was wondering... since there's a setCookie action, shouldn't there be also a getCookie? How could one read the value stored in a cookie? I know there's a getCookie in appMobi API, though...

  • This is fantastic tap! Eager to see it in action!


  • Hi tap,

    any updates regarding IAP ( 1touch ) implementation in C2 plugin?


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  • Thanks R0J0hound, but I believe this would ensure a dynamic built path ( which is also very useful! ). Maybe I wasn't clear enough earlier: I need to remove and/or add elements to the string of sprites following the path, not elements of the path itself. The challenge would be to make space for the new come or to fill the gap made by the destruction of a sprite.

  • So, what if I'd need to remove one of the objects from the string, or add one, somewhere in the middle? Can this be accomplished?

  • Excellent, thank you! Please close this topic, or mark as solved.

  • Great! Thank you!

  • Hello,

    I believe the push() method is not working properly. Instead of inserting actual values, it only pushes "". The .capx is here: http://db.tt/VWmS2a3N

    Thank you.

    LE: The problem seems to occur when the width, height and depth is set to 0 ( zero ) as initial ( which I should in order to avoid empty values on push ).

    Does not seem to be browser or OS related.

  • newt : yes, I'm planning to add speed (allowing you to choose how much time between two points), and resetting the behavior.

    Hey, any updates on that speed? Would be very nice to have it :)

  • Excellent news tap! This tandem ( C2 + appMobi ) is getting more and more exciting every day :)