xeed's Forum Posts

  • somehow i can't get the result as small as before.

    since the original file is a png already, can c2 leave the image format as it is?

  • so the uid is kind of an internal object counter.

    sorry for the topic, i did not recognize this before <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    anyway, if i "trigger once" each overlap for multiple enemy instance, it's only being triggered for one of these. the other one walks on. any idea to fix this?

  • both point makes sense, thanks. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    For event 9, how can i leave the function instead of adding the else condition?

    and for event 6, i guess a "wait" action should fix this too, right?

    at least, do you know why the enemy UID kicks up this way?

  • Thanks for your answers.

    Asley: i bumped because this could be a base bug in the uid system, which 'could' have priority. and if so, i can not continue my (simple) project because this old uid object instancing feature. (so glad c2 currently works on my laptop, and got some time ^^ )

    Should i wait for feedback before continue working (and trying to fix) on the project?

    PS: I think a status indicator would be useful for any bug-report, to get feedback about its relevance, and if you are working on it. Some people are using c2 in a productive environment, and dont have weeks time for eventually getting an answer <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    : i've been reading this stuff long ago, if i could understand why the uid's does not work in this project, i would not have had posted <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Please download the capx, and try yourself.

  • well, i need to bump this...why does the only one enemy get the UID 56 in this project?

  • scirra.com/forum/plugin-canvas_topic46006.html

    i guess the array is to save the temp object form, and to read the new "collision mask" after bullet overlap.

    thanks rojo, this is a good solution; but should be better integrated into c2.

    currently got no idea, how to use this in combination with the solid behaviour in a platformer.


    any suggestions still welcome <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Bugs only occour in complex projects ^^, and are not rebuildable when trying to reproduce in a new capx...this seems to be an often case here.

    But maybe you can help me. Please check when the AI straight wanders through the right AIMovementBorder, not calling the function to change walking direction...which works fine before.

    The affected event / call is in the sheet "AI_mgmt".


    So the problem is that the only instance of "enemy" gets a UID 55+ after its variables has been changed in a function before.

    I can't find an error in the buildup, so i guess this is a bug in the UID -> Function Combo.

  • ere is something i have been playing around with for a while.


    Made to run in Chrome.

    yeah, this is getting in the right direction. would you share the capx with us?

  • Hi,

    my Player should lose health when falling down too long and emerge on a solid object.

    Do you have an idea how to handle such gravitation events?

    Thanks :)

  • Hi,

    for my platform game, i want a solid sprite when hit by a bullet to lose a radius of the (image) area. it should be able to get destroyed. This loss should not only result in a new image, but also a new collision polygon, everytime this event occours.

    Can i currently handle such complex object changes with c2 during runtime?

    Thanks and best regards :)

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  • yeah, the "unbounded scrolling" property is what i need!


  • any way to get a tiled sprite / animated background?

  • Hey,

    when i set the "scroll to" behaviour on my player, the screen goes out of the game area.

    any idea to set the screen limit at the layout borders, so that the player can walk until the end, but the focus stops before?

  • so the only difference between these 2 is the image handeling, and i can tread a tiled background just as a usual sprite during runtime, and vice versa?

  • Many thanks :)

    Another similar question; how can i set a sprite to not change the size of the content image when changing its size in the layout, but use the image as texture (as in the tiled background object)?

    If both do the same, i guess one of these objects is not needed anymore.