using a background image of 650kb (jpg). When the project is exported, the image is 2,97 MB.
Is there any way to change compression settings for a c2 project, as to use the original image?
Many thanks :)
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Use the Image Format dialog from the image editor.
Another similar question; how can i set a sprite to not change the size of the content image when changing its size in the layout, but use the image as texture (as in the tiled background object)?
If both do the same, i guess one of these objects is not needed anymore.
Sprite stretches its texture by design, and that's why they are two different objects.
so the only difference between these 2 is the image handeling, and i can tread a tiled background just as a usual sprite during runtime, and vice versa?
Manual entry: tiled background
Manual entry: sprite
A sprite can contain a set of animations which gather several animation frames, whereas tiledbackground only contains/display one single texture.
any way to get a tiled sprite / animated background?
somehow i can't get the result as small as before.
since the original file is a png already, can c2 leave the image format as it is?
that is easy to do image compression if an imaging sdk which contains such function is employed to do so. there are many such sdks on the internet and i think you can download one and have a try, good luck.