XavierOrionGames's Forum Posts

  • right click the image ,and tell it to open in a new tab...for some reason it doesn't appear in the forum.

    The wall has the solid behavior always had. i've tried turning solid on ,and off for the block with the same result.

    I tinkered with some of the code ,and got it to where now the block won't go thru the wall anymore but if the player pushes on it while it's against the wall the player ends up "inside" the block then when you push in the opposite direction it pushes the block ahead of whatever direction you move to. Almost like i'm throwing the block.

    I gave up on trying to make the puzzle i was working on to work. Just trying to make the current setup work with the least amount of glitches. I never caught it before because i always knew what to do but i recently started playing it like someone who wouldn't know and discovered this stuff....kind of frustrating considering the game is 80% complete

  • Found a glitch in a game i'm working on while making a new puzzle for a level. I have blocks in the level that can be pushed by the player (like Zelda). if you push the block forward then runs into another block i dont want it to go any further until you push it in another direction. At the same point if you push the block into a wall i dont want the block to go any further unless you push it in another direction.

    As of right now the block can be pushed into the wall causing overlap as well as another block causing them to overlap.

    This is a screen of one of the levels with this gameplay element

    Also have screens of the code for player movement as well as the pushable blocks

  • Need some actions for Xbox Live to setup trials of games better. I currently have Booty Diver running with a 24 hour trial thru the Microsoft Store although i would rather setup an hour trial then have something in my code unlock the full game upon purchase.

  • Well it's thanks in part to you guys that it made it to Xbox One. I got 2 new titles coming over the next few months. I've been in talks with a few known Switch devs on porting the game over to Switch via a more Switch friendly engine.

  • Hey there folks last year i released my first game made in C2 called Booty Diver. It was first released on Nintendo Wii U and Itch.io in Spring 2017 then finally made it to Xbox One and Steam as of September 2017. Wish Nintendo ,and Scirra would work together again for Nintendo Switch support so i could look into releasing it there as well. Booty Diver may have been my first ,but certainly not my last as i have 3 titles in production right now in C2.

    Here is the links to all the marketplaces Booty Diver is available at





    Xbox One

    https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p ... kh2r1c722l

    Wii U


    Here is a link to a trailer of the game.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    If you search around on Youtube for Booty Diver you can find some reviews ,and let's plays of the game from different youtubers (such as TwinWorld, SNESDrunk, The Hidden Levels, and so on)

  • Last year I released Booty Diver on Steam,itch.io,Xbox One, and Wii U. Which of course was made in C2.





    Xbox One

    https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p ... kh2r1c722l

    Wii U


    There is also an extremely outdated demo version floating about in the Scirra Arcade here.

  • I am developing 2 games ,and i'm running into a weird sound issue.

    On Super Booty Diver I am trying to get some fanfare going when you collect all the treasure. I created a little short little bit of music to be played when this happens which i have set to go off on at when Chests are less than ,or equal to zero its suppose to set the Winner text up, destroy whatever enemies are still on screen, stop the current level music, and play the fanfare.

    Once the text appears the game is suppose to wait a few seconds then go to the next layer. Problem is the fanfare doesn't trigger until the next level starts.....i don't know how to fix it.

    Next issue is in a game called Zediker Defender (asteroids type game) i got a thruster sound effect to be triggered when holding down the button for the thrusters. Problem is the sound comes off way different sounding than the sound effect normally sounds once the button is held down ,and it almost sounds echoed like.

    Any ideas?

  • Thanks ChefSeth i can't believe i overlooked something so simple...i was so use to making it work the otherway.

  • I have a global variable of Score= 0 then i have on Every Tick >Set Text- "Score: "&Score then i have On Start of Layout> Reset Global Variables to Default because i have a timer running, treasure chest count, and ammo count all displayed in the HUD along with the Score.

  • I'm creating a game for PC/Wii U where you are constantly underwater collecting treasure ,and fighting off sea creatures called "Super Booty Diver"...little bit of a tongue in cheek kind of name lol

    Anyhow im to the point of switching levels (layouts). I want to be able to keep the score rolling when going from level 1 to level 2 ,and so on. Yet it keeps resetting once i change levels. So how do you keep it rolling between levels?

    I only want the score to reset if you die.

    Any help would be great

    Thank You

  • okay ill try it... xavieroriongames-wordpress-com obviously replace the dashes with periods. You can also see videos on Youtube by just searching Xavier Orion Games

  • We got the zombie up & running the way it needs to be ,and we're also working on a second game. Eman i would say maybe hitting us up on twitter might be the best way with this sites goofy rep system. i understand why they do it ,but it makes it hard for someone just getting started on this forum. Our Twitter is (couldn't fit the s lol)

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  • Because the site wont allow me Hasuak it said i dont have enough rep yet since im new to the site. Hence why i wrote that as a reply to the thread because i originally had all the links in here ,but it automatically took them out.

  • PM us for links to gameplay footage ,and our website

  • [attachment=0:2l7zrcf0][/attachment:2l7zrcf0]We, Xavier Orion Games is developing a twin stick shooter aspiring to be a deeper Alien Syndrome type game called "Into The Void". Right now we are only utilizing a test level to test all the elements as we add them.

    Currently we are working on having a zombie type enemy charge at and chase the player character once the player destroys the chamber that the zombie resides in.

    We have been able to get the zombie to chase the player via using 8 direction behaviors ,but the problem we are currently facing is getting the zombie to actually face the players position during the chase. This is video of testing the zombie chasing where you can see he is not facing proper directions. This is a slightly older piece of footage of gameplay in the test level.

    If anyone has any suggestions on how to get the zombie to face the proper direction while chasing we'd appreciate it.