Wrangler's Forum Posts

  • I'd love to enter this into the Windows 8 competition, but I don't have have a Windows 8 device to test it on, and I certainly can't afford to fork out �500+ for a Surface just for this.

    I am however dabbling in virtualisation of Windows 8 on my Windows 7 laptop, but performance is awful and obviously there is no touch input.

  • nine quadrillion,

    seven trillion,

    one hundred ninety-nine billion,

    two hundred fifty-four million,

    seven hundred forty thousand,

    nine hundred and ninety-two

    I think you'll be fine!

  • Ashley I wouldn't mind dedicating an hour each day to sifting through and deleting unwanted games from the arcade. I have the time to spare, and it's for the good of the arcade.

  • *Changed the first post so it was cleaner (Now has link to a gallery)

    *Added a couple of new sci-fi pieces to the gallery

  • Yanen I think the writer has got to the point where he is extremely frustrated by the amount of "idea-guys" that take game development lightly, and I can relate to that.

    I've got a number of requests like this since I started offering a freelance art service. One particular example was a guy who went to the trouble of GUESSING my Skype handle and adding me there so he could talk to me. He was extremely young, had no coding skills, no means to pay me, and I was the only person other than him that would be on the team.

    Of course I said no.

    Contrast this with the latest request I got, and that I have accepted; The guy emailed me extremely professionally, laid out his game proposal and provided a working prototype that had all of the core mechanics included, all coded by him. I took the work because he had something tangible to show me, and that was a guarantee to me that he was invested in the game concept.

  • Cave environment concept for a sci-fi game:

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/VgBRSvf.png" border="0" />

  • Gamer sadly the arcade seems pretty unregulated as far as the games people can upload, so this leads to a lot of duplicates of the tutorial or example games.

    I too find it extremely irritating, as well as the amount of rip-off games created off the back of legitimate, copyrighted games. I understand that there is a learning process and people might be pleased with doing a tutorial and seeing the results, but it devalues the arcade a bit to see the same thing uploaded time after time.

    A review process by moderators/admins would be great and would surely work to weed out the duplicate/beginner games. The downside to this is the workload increase for the mods and admins.

  • Hi all,

    I didn't get a chance to finish my Newgrounds competition entry before I went on holiday, and I thought I might as well at least show what I was working on.

    It's a relatively simple game that involves the player having to navigate a maze environment, collecting keys and shards of crystal to open the Sorceress' room.

    Before you play, bear in mind that:

    1. There is no end-game, once you beat the sorceress you're stuck.

    2. This was designed for iOS devices, not for PC, so it can be quite difficult to play with a mouse/keyboard.

    Some tips for playing:

    *Swipe the icons! Tapping doesn't work well as the timer is too fast and you will more than likely fail each time.

    *In combat, tap the potion icon to heal yourself (if you have potions).

    *Don't refresh to page, it will not reset the doors. To reset the game the player character has to be killed in combat.

    You can play the game here:


  • mineet I'm enjoying watching your art skills progress!

  • Ashley I'm getting a black bar across the top of the screen on iPhone when I have it set to hide the address bar, and my game is pushed down below this bar. Any idea what this is?

  • Damn, I wish I was being paid $70/hr :(

  • I beg to differ, you can have two triggers in the same event block.

    Right click the main event block and make it an 'OR' block. I just tested it and it lets me do it in the editor.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Arima I've always been way too scared to do it! The warning message makes me chicken out every time!

  • Fantastic!

  • I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'll give it a go anyway.

    I'm assuming you want those two sprites you've circled to move up as the player moves up?

    If that's the case, put them on their own layer, and set the layer's parallax to 0,0

    <img src="http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/6640/8232f9fb910447329c033ff.png" border="0" />