On a distant planet, creatures named Sunkin were totally exterminated in a war for liberty by an ancient race of Ethereals who enslaved all other sentient species of this Twisted World. But the last Sunkin egg remained unharmed hidden deep in the woods...
Well that was all the plot for my second Construct game named Twisted World. This is not a common platformer (like Super Mario). Your character will have to evolve (like in Metroid). You'll have to shoot a lot (like in Contra) because not all enemies could be jumped on to death. Evade different obstacles using wall jump, double jump and ceiling grab (kind of a Meat Boy gameplay). 4 powerfull bosses will get in your way, beware! Game saves on a checkpoints, remember this.
And please tell me what do you think about it. Your opinion will help me to understand how to improve my skills further!
Here are download links:
or if you prefer Dropbox
And some screenshots
<img src="http://i002.radikal.ru/1107/ad/b0501eea8887.jpg" border="0" />
<img src="http://s011.radikal.ru/i316/1107/0f/1bae561eb2f9.jpg" border="0" />