winkr7's Forum Posts

  • Hello all;

    Suppose I have a family called mob which has orc sprite and troll sprite as members. Each member of mob has a health sprite bar. Whenever I select a mob by UID I want to get its health bar too. As things stand I have to put a health bar into a container with orc and another one into a container with troll and they can't be the same health bar.

    Is there a way to put the container in at the family level?

    Thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    I see that in C3 we can get various woff format fonts. I assume that by default we have one woff font--and by this I mean that it is as good as any woff font I could download as far as being compatible with all the browsers and phones etc?

    second: Does anyone have any suggestions for good woff font sources?



  • Same thing happens to me. So go ahead and file that bug report.

  • Yes, it would be great to have a hex-based tilemap for instance.

  • Hello;

    I am passing the JSON string of an array made by using AsJSON to a function. As an error check I want

    to be sure my string is an array. I can see the JSON string {"c2array":true,"size":[2,1,1],"data":[[[257]],[[264]]]}.

    Will the array addin always generate "c2array" or (since we are still in c3 Beta" is it going to become "c3array" at some point?

    thanks for your time



  • Thanks lots.

  • Hello;

    Is there some kind of number(string) function that will convert "33.4" to the number 33.4.

    If I just set a number variable to the string "33.4" it doesn't work.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Hello;

    I can see "Animation 1" the first frame, but how do I get to the other frames? I can see insert frame so I know I now have 4 frames, but I can't get to the list of frames.

    Thanks for your time.



  • Thanks blackHornet. That works like a charm.



  • Thanks blackhornet.

    I will look at this later after work.



  • Hello;

    I have a bunch of balls, If I click a ball I want the nearest ball to that ball.

    They are all the same object. If I take the first ball at coord locX,LocY (the clicked balls location)

    and use

    Pick nearest to (locX,LocY) I get the same ball I clicked back again.

    SO what I really want to know is how to take a single UID out of the SOL.

    Suppose the UID of the clicked ball is clickedUID

    I tried

    Pick all Balls (to start with the universe of all Balls)


    but this doesn't take clickedUID out of the SOL of all balls. It just tests ball.UID(0).

    thanks for your time.



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  • Hello;

    I bought a license, I'm paying for it, it works fine for me. I can log in from anywhere without a hitch.



  • I am all for hexagons. Rexrainbow has addins for hexagonal movement and path finding, but there is no


  • Yes, I notice that it doesn't remember the width of actions and conditions sections in the event editor. I reset

    them every time.

    • Post link icon

    Okay, I bought it, now where do I go? I know I don't download it since it is online right?

    thanks for your time.