winkr7's Forum Posts

  • pick one with instance 0 and the other with instance 1.

    Otherwise you can't tell them apart. So use pick by instance.

  • I can never get mine to work when the internet is down, and I use it every day. There is supposed to be some kind of grace period so you can work without internet access for a while. But it doesn't work for me.

  • use functions. You can have event sheets which are really just groups of similar functions and work like a library in a normal programming environment. Suppose MonsterOne is a member of the monster family write functions that have the form


    inside function pick monster by UID

    The SOL is completely reset by a function call and all functions are now global so you don't need to worry about including the event. Just name your functions in a logical manner so you can find them



  • hexagonal tile maps

  • You can view any website through the oculus 2 quest. If you publish your Construct 3 to a web site you can view it in VR.

  • Thanks Headbang;

    that is a good idea.



  • Hello;

    After I create a sprite with the behavior fade I can set the time to fade and a few other things. But I can't set Destroy (at end of fade). I should be able to set this to true or false right?

    thanks for your time.




  • Your question is too big. I would start by puting 3 sprites on the screen, one called friend1 and enemy1,enemy2. If you click on an enemy flash the enemy if you click on a friend do nothing.

    If you get that far you have made a start.

  • If you mean you can't select them once you start the game then are you using something like drag and drop?

    For some things you need "enable collisons" to be checked for the sprite--you might try that.

    If you mean you can't select them in layout editor I am not sure.

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  • some times you have to use for each to get all the stuff in the SOL, sometimes you don't. I usually just use the for each statement to be sure, but perhaps that is wasting time. Perhaps a tutorial on when you don't need the for each would be good.

    For example if a single sprite scedules a TIMER event for itself in the future if more than one sprite scedules that event you are going to have multiple sprites in the event not just one if they landed in the same tic.

  • you might want to look touch.x(index) not just touch.x. The coordinates are for that index layer.

  • The navier stokes equation is how this is usually done. There are some javascript versions. This may be a bit much but it also might give you some ideas.

  • The easiest way is to put all arrows into two families, arrowFirst, ArrowSecond. Then select your first arrow as arrowFirst and the second as arrowSecond and you can add and compare etc.



  • When you calculate the path for a player turn off solid for that player only. When you move the player (use the new move to behavior not the one built into pathfinding) you have to handle the collision with solid by recalculating the path. You will need to recalculate the path and the obstacle map every .1 seconds or so but with only 3 guys you can do it.

    At least that is how I would start.



  • I would like to know how to do this too.

