winkr7's Forum Posts

  • Thankyou dop2000, you are very helpful.

  • Hello;

    How do I know if a text string will fit completely in a text box--including the font,size, wordwrap etc settings? Is there a way to see if the last period in the string is actually showing?

    thanks for your time.




  • You should be asking "who has had a deep inner experience using C3 and found themselves at peace with the universe".

  • I am a big fan--I only note that there isn't as many add ons from third parties as there are with unity and others. I have never finished a commercial game, but for getting something to work quickly you can't beat Construct 3.

  • Check that you have collision enabled? I think that has to be on for solid to take effect.

  • Looks good.

  • you need a family of crawling things.

  • A torus and cone and the usual set. The meshes for the basic set shapes are on 3js.

  • The current thinking is not to worry about performance at all--unless it becomes a problem. Program the simplest most brute force method first and then see if it is slow.

  • If you are always going to spawn a perfect square just pass the function the square side (like 3 for 9 sprite spawn then walk the location around in a double for loop from 1 to 3 in both x and y spawning once for each x,y location pair.

    you may also want to pass the lower_x and lower_y as the cornter of the spawn area and then add that to each x,y pair as the offset_

  • Thanks dop2000.

    If I go back to using PIN that will solve the hierarchy persist problem but then I have the slightly out of sync problem hierarchy was supposed to solve.

    You are correct, hierarchy persist really only makes sense if both parent and child have persist.

    thanks for your time



  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hello;

    I set a sprite and gave it a child sprite and set both sprites in a family with the persist behavior. It looks like they don't persist the hierarchy.

    Should I file a bug report or is there some other way I am supposed to persist the hierarchy?

    thanks for your time.



  • calminthenight;




  • Hello;

    I want to type a paragraph into a text object in the editor--but

    when I hit return it exits the editor. I know there is some kind

    of escape key or something I have to use to do this--but I can't find it.

    thanks for your time.



  • mikehive;


