Willzilla's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • A game I'm planning pretty much relies on this, I might have to move up from C2 though. I want the player to be able to arrange 16x16 tiles on a grid, then that be converted to a single sprite with each tile holding a colour value to determine the colour of each pixel. Maybe i could make 1x1 objects of each pixel then group them into one sprite/ object? If it cant be made into a sprite I think it would end up having way too many objects. If I can do this I can make a complex outcome through something simple!

  • I didn't want to post in the bugs section because this won't fit the template. When i try save my progress i just stays like this for ages and won't stop! And I can't do anything. The only thing I can do is end task which means my game isn't saved :(

    <img src="http://bitVFqkLo" border="0" />

    At the moment its been like this (Green save bar is moving the whole time) for about 7 minutes at least. And I barely have changed much to save.

  • I think you solved the problem! I will try it out but it makes sense thank you very much!

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  • Sorry I should have said more, When you put an 8 direction behavior on an object it automatically makes it solid. This object is the hitbox for my player and controls how he moves but I dont want it to determine how close to objects he can get, I want to add a smaller box for his feet because my perspective is a bit like pokemon, so I want his feet to collide with objects on the ground, not his head if that makes sense. i have tried different layers and that didnt seem to change anything.

  • My old post can be deleted...

    This is getting in the way, is there any way to disable this? If not could it be made into a toggleable option?

  • I had this character with a square around the outside of him, however it was too big and colliding with things I didn't want it to (is there a way to make an object not collide with solid objects?). I tried changing this box to a box at his feet, so only where is feet are would collide with objects but it keeps moving! I have imagepoints at the right place on both sprites, over top of each other at the feet, and it pins the character image to the box on start of layout. What am I doing wrong! The box has 8 direction movement, scroll to, bound to layout and solid, it works perfectly apart from it wont stay at his feet!

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Bzyqc.png" border="0" /> Thats in the editor

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/vIca4.png" border="0" /> Thats when I play the game. I have it visible so you can see what the problem is. Is there a way to get it to stick to his feet, or is there a better method around this?

    Thanks, I'm sort of starting on construct 2 but its hard to tell if I'm not doing something write, or maybe its a C2 bug and i don't understand whats happening! Also I made the art on paint.net, what do you think?

    One more, I thought I saw an option to put things backward and forward within a layer, where is that option if I saw that correctly?    <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 6 posts