whoisda's Forum Posts

  • I want to create a condition in which if this object is in motion, do a certain function. But the object doesn't have any behavior on it and I'm hoping not to put any. How do I go about making such a condition?

    I was hoping if there is something to do with comparing the X value but that would need a global variable to it.

    Any help?

  • Hi Lucid,

    Bought Spriter on the last day. Looking forward to making good use of it. Also waiting for construct to have a summer sale.

  • Sweet game and style.

  • You can call it '(im)Mortal'.

  • Great implementation. Would love to play it soon. For me the background is too dark to see against. Maybe using a dark grey would help.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • This is so freaking awesome. I was searching the forum for a tutorial on anything about a creating combat system or a basic sword hit with multiple animation stuff and came across this. Your game looks amazingly good.

    Best of luck with this.

  • Hi rexrainbow,

    Thanks for the reply (and all your great plugins and behaviors).

    There is a couple of problems with that particular behavior.

    1: it doesn't have gravity control and doesn't fall down by default. (which can be coded with event sheet)

    2: I got some issues when you keep pushing the object to a vertical solid, if i keep going it starts moving up in Y axis. Like this:

    Sample Capx:

    [edit: file got removed since I've not got 300 reputation]

    It doesn't happen if the box has a platform behavior.

    Also if I keep using platformer behaviour for the box will it strain the system? (since if would process unnecessary code and functions).

  • Hi Everybody,

    So I just spent my whole day trying to create a 'box behavior' which is essentially a solid that can't pass through other solids but without using physics. (Since physics and solids don't work with each other and solids and solids are also pass through. Plus using physics on every object would be tolling to the end game and cause undesirable results)

    I figured since the only good way we have for creating a push-able/ pull-able box is to use a platform behavior on it then disable the default control and simulate controls and then do this for every object. It had a lot of issues foremost was issues when the player is bigger than the box. After a lot of experimentation and an old game maker tutorial on this subject I found an easier way of doing this without simulating controls or pinning or using physics but I still have to use the platform behavior for it to collide seamlessly to other solids.

    Then I thought why not just strip down the platform behavior to just 2 settings: the gravity/fall rate and it's ability to collide with solids (removing all the unnecessary controls and parameters). This way I could easily use the more leaner behavior across various levels and games without rewriting a collision for each object and share the result here for others to use.

    So, I copied the platform behavior folder named it 'BoxX' and started to delete lines which I though were unnecessary to this new behavior and disabled others I didn't understand by making them into a comment line. Needless to say I failed miserably which wasn't a shock as this was the first time I have ever seen a java script this up close.

    I got the parameters stripped and I don't get any error on loading construct but the object with this behavior disappears on game load. And I get an error if I have dy of a certain block turned on after which the game doesn't load at all.

    Anyway, If anybody could help me with this I'll be very grateful. I've the damaged files if anyone needs it. It's just a copy of the platform behavior.

    Thank you.

    (If this is the wrong way to request a function from the community please let me know and direct me to the right direction.)

  • Thanks for the tip Zed2100,

    I've made a couple of player state guess game state might help with this.

  • Hi,

    Firstly, thanks for this great example.

    Even though I manged to implement it in my game project successfully, I fail to understand how values flow.

    I understand the core concept of a table which records value every frame(dt) and when we press the trigger we are just setting the sprite in those recorded position data in reverse order. But I don't completely understand the maths and the code. Even after sitting with a pencil and paper and putting values in it manually I couldn't grasp the whole thing which I need to understand so I can troubleshoot parts of the mechanics and to build upon it.

    Here is what I did. I basically stripped it to record just the players XY position and a different objects's Y position.

    I decreased the height of the array to 4. I removed the speed function made it a fixed value.

    What I'm trying to do is

    A) To program it to ease into the rewind (starts slow till it reaches a maximum speed. I read the lerp can help with this but I don't know how to implement it(I tried to put it in the speed value but then I realized it's becomes a static value till it reaches the while loop))

    B) Create and specify a cooldown value before the player can use the power.

    C) Limit the array to record only a set amount of seconds.

    D) The array retains its values if my player dies and the layout restarts. (playback the old games postions) Even after clearing the array on layout start and then adding the starting position values to it afterwords it gets stuck a the corner of the layout. (one solution would be to stop rewinding after it reaches array width one and triggering the cooldown. maybe.)

    E) This is only the base event sheet which the players movement and powers so I want only the player to get his actions recorded in it. If I make different levels/layouts, I think that creating a different array for them and redoing the recording codes for the objects I want to move. Is this the right way to do it? Can I trigger an object to start recording on a certain event?

    Its way too much to ask. Instead I would like to learn how it all works.

    Can someone please help me understand the different part of the code and how the array is creating new rows and how 'set value at(Record.Width-1,0) to lerp(Record.At(Record.Width-2,0), Player_spawner.X,((1/60)/dt)*i)' works (especially how is using lerp helpful).

    Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I saw the Shapeshifter game by Zathan and really liked the HUD that pops up when you hold space to shift the shapes.

    I would like to implement similar mechanism to select contextual actions and show character overlays when cycling between characters. I understand how I can spawn an object in front of my Player or at a specific postion on keystorkes. But how do I pause the background and use the arrow keys to cycle through my options.