Spriter/C2 - (9-16-2019 - bug fix)

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Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • Bought Spriter (half-price on Steam right now.). Looking forward to using it.

  • Hi Lucid,

    Bought Spriter on the last day. Looking forward to making good use of it. Also waiting for construct to have a summer sale.

  • when can the plugin support deformation? We have been waiting for a loooooooong time !!!

  • Hi Lucid,

    I am having trouble with using character maps on import into c2. Here's a simple zip of a demo capx and scml to show you what my problem is. I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I have been trying to use a feature that's not supported by the plugin. When I import a scml into c2, the entities and their animations are accessible but the import action does not bring over the character map sprites. In the attached example, the import should bring in 3 red/green/blue squares, but it imports 3 red squares instead. I've been using r208 and v4.1 Spriter. Thanks!

    Edit - it appears that the character map active settings weren't saved. I'm investigating....

    Edit 2 - Confirmed - the active character map selection is not being saved in v4.1. On closing and re-opening Spriter, it reverts back.

  • when can the plugin support deformation? We have been waiting for a loooooooong time !!!

    I can't give a good estimate at this time as I don't want to be wrong again. I will say that the reference implementation I'm still working on will be the basis for an improved c2 plugin that should run more smoothly and require less ram, and that will bring it one step closer toward having the deformation as well. The deformation in it's current state in Spriter is not at all what the final product will be like. I understand it's frustrating and I apologize for the many missed estimates, but we absolutely will have a far more polished deformation feature in Spriter, and support for it will come to c2. I will update when I have something more concrete.

    Hi Lucid,

    I am having trouble with using character maps on import into c2. Here's a simple zip of a demo capx and scml to show you what my problem is. I'm not sure if it's a bug or if I have been trying to use a feature that's not supported by the plugin. When I import a scml into c2, the entities and their animations are accessible but the import action does not bring over the character map sprites. In the attached example, the import should bring in 3 red/green/blue squares, but it imports 3 red squares instead. I've been using r208 and v4.1 Spriter. Thanks!

    Edit - it appears that the character map active settings weren't saved. I'm investigating....

    Edit 2 - Confirmed - the active character map selection is not being saved in v4.1. On closing and re-opening Spriter, it reverts back.

    Character maps are made to be dynamically added, so you can change them at runtime. When you add an active character map in Spriter, you're previewing what it will look like to activate that character map at runtime. I edited your capx to apply one of the character maps. (Left click to apply the character map)

  • lucid - thank you for that, it has fixed half of my problem! However, I am struggling to import the full Spriter project into c2 - when I try the character maps sprites are missing. As you can see from my example above, there are only 3 red sprites in the project, but for the character maps to function properly during run time the others should be imported as well. What did you do to enable the export of these extra sprites in your example? Thanks.

    Edit: I suspect that I am missing something completely obvious here because you managed it. If I bake the character map to an entity (which creates an extra entity in Spriter) and then the import the scml into c2 then the import brings the extra sprite images as well so they become available during run time.

    Edit 2. I guess that this is a public demonstration of my learning - I see that baking the character map to the entity is the way to go! If I do that then there is no problem here. I guess I have answered my own question.... Thanks for your great support!

  • lucid - thank you for that, it has fixed half of my problem! However, I am struggling to import the full Spriter project into c2 - when I try the character maps sprites are missing. As you can see from my example above, there are only 3 red sprites in the project, but for the character maps to function properly during run time the others should be imported as well. What did you do to enable the export of these extra sprites in your example? Thanks.

    Edit: I suspect that I am missing something completely obvious here because you managed it. If I bake the character map to an entity (which creates an extra entity in Spriter) and then the import the scml into c2 then the import brings the extra sprite images as well so they become available during run time.

    Edit 2. I guess that this is a public demonstration of my learning - I see that baking the character map to the entity is the way to go! If I do that then there is no problem here. I guess I have answered my own question.... Thanks for your great support!

    I didn't reimport to fix the capx, or even open the project in Spriter. If you look at the capx I sent back, all I did was add an action to set the Entity (your first entity doesn't have a character map), and then on left click, append the character map.

    Your Spriter project was already imported correctly. Character maps images are added to sprites for the original images. So if you have 'head.png', and you have a character map that changes 'head.png' into 'evilHead.png', then they will both be added to the same sprite in C2. Since the character map replaces the image, you will never need both 'head.png' and 'evilHead.png' at the same time on screen for the same character. Also, if you have an event 'on collision with Head', you don't have to write it twice for both of the versions of the head sprite.

    I'm a little confused as to what you're trying to do, though. It seems like you just want a separate character as opposed to a character map. You can of course, use in other creative ways, but the most basic examples of usage would be to do things like make it so your character can get an armor or clothing pickup in game so you can actually see the character wearing the new outfit. Another example would be customize-able characters so you can change out body parts or the entire image set to make the characters look different from each other.

    Baking the character map out makes the change permanent, so it's no longer a character map, and is now a separate character. Please let me know if this makes things more clear.

  • lucid - It's all cleared up now. I was confused by the process because my brain doesn't function too well after 9pm . Sorry to be a pain and thank you for your help!

  • No trouble at all. Please feel free to ask whenever you have issues.

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  • Can add opacity to properties not just setting on event? sometimes we need to use tween control opacity~

  • hi winsonzhong, You want to be able to set starting opacity in the properties pane, instead of just actions? I understood that part, but what do you mean that you need to use tween control opacity?

  • lucid Yes, that's it. I want to be able to set starting opacity in the properties pane~

    I mean I set the spriter object fade in with lite tween plugin,and I need to set opactiy "0" In the beginning,

  • lucid I'm starting to work on randomized clothes for the NPC's in my game. I would like to be able to randomly pick colors or at the very least say pick a random number between 1 and 10, if 8, tint the sprite this color.

    So far, I can randomly tint each sprite in my Spriter Object by itself. Where I'm having trouble is when I want each sprite to reference a particular object in the same container for the information. In a previous post you showed me how to have a box in the Spriter object and assign the platformer behavior to it. Then I just move the Spriter Object to that box and pin it.

    What I want to have happen is the box has all of the variables for the different colors and are randomly picked on creation. Then Each Sprite in my Spriter Object will look to the box for its variables and change their tints accordingly. I'm having trouble with them referencing the box.

    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.





  • My Solution Below

    The Rate Of Color Change Can Be Adjusted By Adding More Time On to the System Every 2.5 Condition.

    Increasing The Value Will Slow Down Speed And Decreasing Will Speed Up The Rate Of Change

  • Author of Events: Jay Stilla

    Title: Tint--[eFx]-

    .Capx Example: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/e789s9bxgqfegx8/VegasMode-TintFx.capx?dl=0

    ">DropBox.Com Capx File</a>

    Level: Intermediate

    Scirra LTD Construct 2 [r204.2 Beta]

    Description:Vegas Mode [Several Instance of An Obj - Using Tint Color Effect - Random Parameter & rgb(0,0,0) Value Set From A Single Color Variable With A Value That randomly To Affect Each Instance Separately By .UID# Layout: 10 Sprite/Object- Instance] Needs An Identifier - Add A Variable Called Color That <Varies> In Value =0

    Event Sheet:

    1.Condition: System On Start Of Layout

    // Action: Sprite - Set Tint Effect to Enable


    2. Condition: System Every Tick

    // Action : Sprite - Set Var Color to round(Random(0,255))

    // Action Sprite - Set Effect Tint Parameter Index=round(random(0,2)) Value= Self.Color


    3.Condition: System Every 2.5 Secs -

    // Action Sprite Set Effect Tint Parameter Index= 0 Value= Self.Color+50

    Press S - or Add Sub Event

    4.Condition: Sprite Pick Instance With UID. Value =round(random(0,10))

    //Action Sprite Set Value of Var Color to Choose(25,50,75,100,125,150) + round(Random(100,0)

    //Action Sprite Set Effect Tint Parameter Index =1 Value= Self.Color - 50


    5. Condition: Sprite Pick Nearest To - X= random(LayoutWidth), Y = random(LayoutHeight)

    // Action Sprite Set Effect Tint Parameter Index= 2 Value= Self.Color-25


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