Whiteclaws's Forum Posts

  • Not really sure where to put this, Kyatric would you kindly move this where appropriate,

    Anyways, I'm coding a webserver in Golang that will hopefully handle websocket communication, and I think I hit a wall: the Origin Header is incorrect or not sent by the ws-plugin during the handshake, right now, I'm completely ignoring the Origin to make it work, but I'd love if Ashley confirmed that the header is sent properly by the websocket plugin

  • jogosgratispro, you have to use a static sized array and push/pop the new positions. Here's a quick example.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/895 ... Snake.capx

    Edit: Ninja'd by Peter Parker

    czar, The later version looks so cool <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Has this position been filled out? If not send me a PM so we can talk about it

  • Whiteclaws

    Hello there stupid youngster, It's you from the future, I can't believe you made me look this stupid, I'd slap you if I could do it without slapping myself.

    All Please disregard this obvious troll, He's just trying to run before walking, He's probably 11 years old or something... Kids these days.

  • I implemented the ridged-multifractal noise to C2, basically, it generates caves, but I'm no satisfied yet, I'm going to try and tweak it so it gives me more interesting caves


    They kinda look bizarre as of now, I'm not yet where i want to be but I'm working on it >.<

  • Ethan Your method is valid but using a person/simplex noise will produce more interesting results, I'll try to post some examples later today

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  • This is my implementation of the Fractional Brownian Wave using the NoiseJs plugin

    (As NoiseJS only generates raw noise, I implemented Multi-octave noise)

    It's definitely faster, but you'll need NoiseJS plugin


  • R0J0hound, what? oh man, it didn't pop up in my search, damn ... Ty for letting me know doe!

  • So yeah, I went in deep and implemented the simplex noise in C2 today ... it wasn't a piece of cake at all but I did it and here it is ...

    You'll need the Canvas, Rex-RandomGen and Bitwise operations plugins to open the capx ...

    • Seeded Random
    • Slow as Heck
    • Comes packed with Fractional Brownian Wave

    [Raw Noise]

    [Multi-octave Fractal]

    Simplex Noise

    Enable the first noiseRes for Multi-octave Fractal and Enable the second for raw simplex noise (Raw Simplex Noise ranges from -1 to 1 and MultOctNoise ranges from low to high)

    Oh and if you have anything that would help for the performance, be sure to share it with me, I'm rusty on C2 and idk how to properly optimize ...

  • trance Construct 2 was marketed towards game development, but works as well for apps. As long as you keep it 2D, Construct 2 can make anything.

  • Grep is a command-line utility for searching plain-text data sets for lines matching a regular expression ... kindoff like notepad find, but it searches in all files in a dir (If I'm not mistaken), It's also for Linux ...

    The note asks you to link your application to a newer version of OpenSSL, and the command is to check your OpenSSL version, I think Ashley may fix this next patch...

  • R0J0hound, yeah, I found out about rex's randomgen and that's what I'm using right now

    Ty anyways

  • usman Haq

    Let's just hope Scirra can count to three

  • I whipped this thing in 2-3 hours of coding

    It's just the top layer of the terrain generated via the midpoint-displacement algorithm

  • Yo all,

    I just got back into C2 and I'd like to see what I can do with what I learned during the break, so I'm making this basic Terraria-ish terrain generator that I'll update a bit every day (Hopefully)

    Take not that this is not a game but rather an experiment to learn, and thus won't have any artsy stuff, If you'd like to use it then you're welcome

    What's on the list:

    • Underground Generation
    • Infinite Terrain (Via seed saving)
    • Removing and Adding Blocks to the world
    • Physics and Player Interactions
    • Biomes

    What's done:

    • Seeds!
    • Creating top layer of terrain via the midpoint-displacement algorithm