Whiteclaws's Forum Posts

  • there is no near native javascript or near native C++

    C is native ( I don't know about C++ , but I guess that a native language is the language that was used to code the operating system )

    Node-webkit only tries to make native code (C) from the javascript source , it compiles it into C code before runtime , thus making an executable for given platforms , that is what we call an AOT Compiler (Ahead of Time)

    HTML5 is javascript , and it gets interpreted (converted) into native code ( I think , correct me if I'm wrong ) in the browser , WHILE running the application , that's called an JIT compiler (Just In Time) , and that's why it's slower than native C , aka NodeWebkit ...

    I hope this shed a bit of light on Javascript manners

    Moreso , if you want to go more into details ,

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    And yes , it's going pretty well , I've went from Java to C <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • As of , I wouldn't understand why you would be using C2 if you want megadrive-ish optimisations ? It's probably running assembly , plotting pixels and managing the memory by yourself , and lemme tell you that assembly is real scary , which is the last stop before the ride to hell and loss of sanity


    format PE console

    entry start

    include 'C:\fasm\include\win32a.inc'


    section '.data' data readable writeable


    hello_msg db 'Hello, world!',0


    section '.code' code readable executable



         ccall     [printf],hello_msg

         ccall     [getchar]

         stdcall     [ExitProcess],0


    section '.idata' import data readable


    library kernel,'kernel32.dll',        msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'

    import kernel,       ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'

    import msvcrt,       printf,'printf',       getchar,'_fgetchar'



    edited><editid>Whiteclaws</editid><editdate>2014-02-19 00:31:32</editdate></edited>

  • I'll take the excuses , it may be because some people aren't using C2 properly because they don't have much of experience in game development in general ... but that's ok , because C2 is designed to be high level , but don't expect to throw at it two nested loops and figure out why it is slow , moreso , C2 was designed as a game engine and should be able to be able to handle all 2D games , thus going overkill with even the simplest games , like polygonal collisions where a game only need tile-based collisions , thus you can't compare code that was written for a sole purpose and game engines , where that code was only created to run in a way , but C2 created to handle in an all-in-one fashion , and that MAY be the reason why it can be slow for simple games in some people's opinion

    That answers the two quotes above , and remember , you can't compare code to a game engine , it's like comparing a ... uhm ... eh ... ( bad example incoming !) a swiss knife to a kitchen knife , The two of 'em are the same weight , but the latter cuts meat better because it was specially designed to do this task , as of , the swiss knife can do WAY more than just cut meat , and therefore is superior for bigger tasks and such , but that's probably not a good example

    <img src="http://www.thestyleking.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/victorinox-swisschamp-xlt-swiss-army-knife.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://www.photo-dictionary.com/photofiles/list/7261/9718kitchen_knife.jpg" border="0" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Let me quote a post for you

    Of course it's much faster. HTML5 Apps are written in Javascript and interpreted by the browser's JavaScript engine, whilst native apps run in native machine code (IOS "C") or at least as compiled byte code (Android "Java"). Also, native apps have much more possibilities to access the system they are running on (sensors like GPS, camera, file system, ...) through the APIs provided by the OS, whilst HTML5 apps are bound to the HTML5 API which is a small subset.


    That explains much of it

    Now listen , don't blame C2 , C2 is a wonderfully optimised engine , blame HTML5 , it's known in the industry that "some" technologies sacrificed performance for portability , now that's the case of Java , but it got heaps better now that it's mature , same thing goes to HTML5 , let it mature a bit ... and stop blaming C2

    + Your card is probably blacklisted or something , and that may be the reason you can't squeeze much performance out of it , remember , if WebGL isn't supported , you won't get accelerated graphics , and that can affect your performance , thus , try your games on better rigs and maybe you'll get better result ! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • Look people , there's no perfect resolution

    Develop for proportions rather than resolutions


    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/Vector_Video_Standards4.svg/600px-Vector_Video_Standards4.svg.png" border="0" />

  • Do you have any talents , are you an artist or a programmer ? Could you show us some of your work ?

  • Beaverlicious , I believe he's being sarcastic

  • well , speedstr , C2 produces games , and DECENT games make money

    it's as obvious as that , it's not about C2 but about the game

  • Naji , practice makes perfect , you won't become better by abandoning , have a look at many indie games

    Towerclimb ( This is a gem in the darkness of earth , not much was done to promote the game )

    Meatboy ( Had a lot of hype from Meat boy Flash)

    Escape Goat 2 ( Lots a hype from the first )

    Home Alone ( Game that did a decent effort at promoting itself)

    Fez ( Controversial game that sold a sh*ton , Fez 2 had so much hype , dayum )


    Those actually take more than 5 minutes to complete and have more than C2-Editor Mouse-Drawn Graphics (yours actually don't look that bad , but still , they are not appealing , they lack much of realism like shading , hue shifting and such ) , etc. , or if you can't draw , collab with some peeps to maek gaems

  • This is not the place to post this , you'll probably get more help in the help wanted

  • Get to know people , try ludumdare and other game development competitions or social networks like Tigsource and indiegames.com , basically , get social (Twitter , Facebook ) and make great games

    Note ; On the first view , your games look like kids-oriented minigames, those graphics look like they were drawn by a 10-years old , and none of the games had an interesting premise ;

  • Please do explain what you want to do and show us what you already tried to do to solve your problem , that'll help us help you solve the problem

  • Well , Node-Webkit also packs in the whole browser in the zip file , so that explains the 53mbs , there are alternatives to node-webkit but that's outta C2's domain

    Here are some ...

  • Ansi C , in yo face! xD
