Wheeze201's Forum Posts

  • So I want to make a pixelated platformer RPG. I highly doubt I'll get somewhere but that's not the point.

    So this is what my "game" looks like right now.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3769474/constructshit/1.jpg">

    But I want it to look like this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3769474/constructshit/2.jpg">

    So I've tried zooming in inside the editor:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3769474/constructshit/3.jpg">

    Now thats NOT pixelated. And besides it only shows up 200% zoomed in inside the editor and not the game.

    So I tried adding an event so the system zooms in 200% at the start of the layout.

    But then I have to center all my stuff in the middle like this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3769474/constructshit/4.jpg">

    Now thats highly impractical. And besides. In-game it still doesn't look pixellated:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3769474/constructshit/5.jpg">

    So I tried zooming in 200%. That didn't work.

    And if I make all the images that are used 200% zoomed in.. well then it isn't true pixelation.

    And making a pixelated game without true pixelation is not practical. Theres bound to be a problem, like aligning the interface or the fact that objects that move will never truly align with all the other pixels.

    What can I do ?

  • Does construct 2 have everything Construct 1 has but more ? Or are those parts still being developed ?

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  • I finished it the day i got it.


  • <img src="http://www.twgnews.com/wp-content/uploads/braid-game-screenshot-title-xbox-360-big.jpg">


    This game has great challanging gameplay, beautiful artwork and music and everything is so fluent.

    We should really use this game as an insperation to upcoming platformers.

    And especially puzzle games.

  • Bah the video you posted.. its just a guy trying to be AVGN ( angry video game nerd ) and failing at it.

    Search for Dragons Lair on to see a really funny interview of Dragons lair.

  • When i hit 1.2k i go slowly down from 60 fps to 30 and then when i hit 2k i get around 25 fps and at 3000 i get 20fps and now im at 4000 with 15fps

  • Can't you just disable the default control system then bind the keys manually through events ?

  • Make sure their hotspots are relatively in the same location (such as all in the center of each image).

    How do i make sure they are in the same location ? I can't play animations within the editor. Can i ?

  • Well i set up an animation for a running character and i set my Y scrolling to the sprite and the animation changes the sprites location (some animation frames are a bit taller then the others) and therefore the camera or scroll view jumps everytime the animation plays.

    How can i fix this ?

    I tried changing the frames to the same height of the other frames but it didn't seem to work.

  • A guy i know gave it to me. ( I requested it from him )

  • So far i have the sexiest desktop if i say so myself

  • So i have this round bumpmap image that is always in the same location and angle of another sprite.

    Now this sprite has physics behavior and when the sprite goes to an angle the bumpmap forms some sort of a rectangle around it.

    Heres a screenshot:

    <img src="http://www.imagedash.com/uploads/viu1239400202h.jpg">

  • Or you could make an event that changes an objects opacity to 0% on start of layout.

    System>Start of layout

    "your object here">Set Opacity> 0

  • <img src="http://www.imagedash.com/uploads/rgh1239397813u.jpg">

    This is me when i was young. Like.. 5 or 6 years ago. Look at me with that towel and those glasses.

    And heres a recent webcam picture of me. ( don't have photos.. they are on another computer )

    <img src="http://www.imagedash.com/uploads/cqs1239397915l.jpg">

  • Games should be good and short.

    most games have good content but the lenght is too much.

    Like butter spread over too much bread.

    For example portal. It's very short, heck theres an achievement where you are supposed to finish the game under 30minutes. It's alot of fun squeezed into a 2hour game which makes you glued to your screen for 2 hours.

    The half life 2 episodes are great too. Short and full for unique action. Not just some soldiers patrolling there and a couple of towns slapped on some island full of soldiers *cough*crysis*cough*