and I think the c3team should make a plug-in turning machine for c3runtime, c3 without many third plug-ins is too weak
so i have idear,let us can download official plugin ,in chrome developer i find runtime file ,but no edit json file , Why not provide downloads directly on the website?
i trust many game developer had editor official plugin for their project,now if they want use c3. They only have helplessness in their hearts?
c3team pay a lot time on c3 .but You don't have c3 Better compatibility with c2 projects.... This leaves developers and plug-in developers sad to leave
if i can do it. i can change frame for particular and 9patch plugin .it.s real important if i have a lot 9patch and particular object..... i use construct for 3 year ,c3 Advanced than c2. Why can't we modify Official plug-in,
i want add load image from url act for official particular and 9patch plugin
can you transplat it to c3 runtime,thanks very much
The C3 runtime always uses high DPI display mode. If you want to render at a lower resolution than the display canvas, use low-quality fullscreen mode. Turning off high DPI was essentially an inconsistent device-specific way to get low-quality fullscreen mode.
thank u for your answer
but on c2 if i turn off high dpi display ,game will have a nice fps on mobile,
so i use r131 but r131 can.t open r133 file and i work one day on the r133cpp
i want disable it, but where can i disable,thanks!!
plz let us can download it,all api is changed, we need know how c3 api work。。。。。。。
i want transplant rex,s pin2imagepoint to c3runtime
so i think is easy to use official pin behavior to edit。。。。。。。。。
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
IIRC in the C2 runtime disabled behaviors are still ticked, but the tick does nothing. So if you have 8000 instances with a disabled behavior it still has to iterate all 8000 but ends up doing nothing. In the C3 runtime we fixed this so disabled behaviors are not ticked at all, so if all 8000 behaviors are disabled it does nothing. This was part of a fundamental rewrite of the runtime and these kinds of changes will not be backported to the C2 runtime.
thanks for your answer,i really want use c3 but my game is use to much c2 3rd plugin ,i will buy c3 for new game ,but my game need use c2 , over 5000+ event it ,hard to transplant to c3 ,
sprite add bullet behavior
sprite2 add pin behavior
how to solve it?
plz update new download site thanks
it,error now