Wenutz's Forum Posts

  • I have the same bug.

    I just updated to the latest r12.2 while I was working on a project.

    When I selected a sprite, all sprites and tiled background become invisible, as if the opacity is 0.

    I can still select them on the layer but can't see them.

    The only plugin I have are the standard ones and iap from cramberrygames and admob.

    I have reverted back to r12 but the problem persist. Perhaps the file saved now as corrupted parameters.

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  • I think I've cracked it.

    The problems was with the axis. For the 3d to 2d formulas to work with construct2 you have to create an artificial axis in the middle of the screen. If you fail to do so, then the stars will all go in the same directions.

  • I had a look at the js and more examples of starfields online.

    I wanted to see if this was first done with C2 events and then made into a plugin.

    I did make some kind of starfields but it's was too basic for my liking, even if my girlfriend was impressed by it

  • > I couldn't open the capx because it says it's from a newer version of C2. It was saved in version release 210 or newer. I am using the latest stable release r206. How can I go about opening it, do I need to download beta release?


    > Thanks


    You are no need .capx file it's very simple to use this plugin.

    After plugin installed, open new project and insert 3dstarfield plugin in this project and

    run it.

    Gigatron Great plugin!

    I was hoping to see the calculations being used. Trying to learn a few tricks or two.

    Can you share a capx of this?

    Thanks a lot!

    MadSpy Thanks for the info.

  • Wenutz

    Here is the .capx converted for r206.

    You should search how to open newer .capx in older versions as the process is very easy and has been covered in numerous previous threads

    Thank you

    I am usually pretty crafty with my searches but since I thought it was created for a beta version it didn't occur to me that I could somehow convert it. Thanks for the heads-up!

  • I wanted to see the capx to understand the method. I've been trying to create a 3d star field on my own since yesterday but it's not that easy . Can you share a capx that I can study?

    I tried using the plugin.

    I deleted the capx from the files and put the folder in the plugin folder however it doesn't run properly. All I see is a black square when I run the game.

  • I couldn't open the capx because it says it's from a newer version of C2. It was saved in version release 210 or newer. I am using the latest stable release r206. How can I go about opening it, do I need to download beta release?


  • Ashley and Kyatric I am going to add my voice to the masses and also ask for IAP to be able to handle consumables. It's a basic feature that I believe should have been there from the beginning. It's been months since people asked for it. Would be great if you could update us on this issue.

    thank you for your understanding guys