Wastrel's Forum Posts

  • Are you looking to make an RPG? How intricate would you want the scripting to be?

    Would you want to just script encounters, I.e. some simple battles or isolated NPC interactions?

    Or would you want a full blown quest mechanism, which would present the player with a goal, keeps track of all of the necessary tasks and sub-tasks required to complete the goal, and manages object and location access so that, for instance before you can open the chest you need the dragon key, but to get the dragon key, you need to bring the pirate princess a blueberry muffin, etc?

    One is a lot easier than the other.

  • It's a really fun game Kamaki. It seems easy enough, but is hard enough to make me swear. I couldn't get past level 3, screen 3!

  • Nice job rex and gonzdevour.

  • Nice concept and nice graphics. I can see it conforming well to a portable device, like sqiddster said.

  • hayungs, I have updated the example to include what i think you are talking about. It's been a long while since I played anything like Monkey Island, so I'm a little unsure about the exact mechanics. This should get you started though.

    Download from the link in my first post.

  • hayungs, is this what you mean?

    Click Inventory Example

  • Cool concept. The physics are really nice. I finally figured out I could move the snot while it was in mid-air, which made it a lot easier to control.

    Also, i kept thinking the name was Snot Time, based on the way the title and the Time label were situated. Come to think of it, Snot Time isn't a bad title either. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Rex, I hope to one day be as prolific as you. Awesome job!

  • I think this badge says it all:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/38038537/ScirraNotchBadge.png" border="0" />

    What a tremendous community!

  • vtrix, is this what you're looking for?


  • I added two new case statements, based on rexrainbow's feedback.

    The Case Compare condition allows the use of a comparison operator (=, !=, <, <=, >, >=) in conjunction with a value. The Switch variable is compared to the value using the selected operator.

    The Case List condition allows the entry of a list of values, each of which is compared individually. If a match is made, then the statement comes back as true. This effectively emulates an OR condition.

    And yes, these various case statements make this a non-standard switch-case structure, but I am not clever enough to come up with a better structure name.

    The files in the OP have been updated.


  • Plug-in: SwitchCase

    Allows the developer to execute actions based on a traditional switch-case structure.

    I originally developed this while designing a text parser in C2. I found that using the switch-case structure helped me to keep my event blocks more organized.

    Download SwitchCase plug-in (Version:01; Release date: 17 November, 2011)


    • Added the Case Compare and Case List conditions
    • Case Compare allows the selection of a comparison operator to be used in conjunction with the value
    • Case List allows the entry of multiple items in a list, each of which will be compared separately. This effectively simulates an OR condition.


    • Extract the contents of the zip file into \Construct2\exporters\html5\plugins
    • Folder name: wastrel_switchcase


    • Create switch-case structure to process actions
    • Create Case conditions using a single value, a range of values, a comparison operator with a value, or a list of values
    • Included a string search Case condition, since I already had it written


    • Create a SwitchCase -> Switch event using an existing variable, the value of which will be checked in the Case statements. The action for this event should be empty.
    • Create a SwitchCase -> Case sub-event, under the Switch event. Enter a value to check against the Switch variable. This value can be a number, string, or any type of variable.
    • Add any number of actions that should be processed for that case.
    • Add a SwitchCase -> Break action at the end of the action block, to bypass the remaining case conditions in the switch. Leave the break off to process the remaining case conditions.
    • Add a SwitchCase -> Default sub-event at the end of the case conditions, to process a default condition. The Default event is optional.
    • The case statements do not technically need to be sub-events of the switch statement. They will be processed no matter where they are in the event sheet, since they are all part of the same object. Adding them as sub-events just helps to better organize the sheet.


    • Switch: Starts the SwitchCase block, using a single variable against which the Case statement values will be checked.
    • Case: Adds a Case statement, using a single value to check against the Switch variable. Value can be an int, string, or any type of variable.
    • Case range: Adds a Case Range statement, using a range of values to check against the Switch variable. Values can be int, string, or any type of variable.
    • Case contains: Adds a Case Contains statement, using a single string value. Statement is true if the string is contained in the Switch variable.
    • NEW Case compare: Adds a Case Compare statement, which combines a comparison operator (=, !=, <, <=, >, >=) and a value. Statement is true if the Switch variable meets the comparison condition to the value.
    • NEW Case list: Adds a Case List statement, which allows the entry of a list of values. Each value is compared in succession, and when a value is equal to the Switch variable, the statement returns true. This effectively simulates an OR condition.
    • Default: Adds a Default statment. The actions in the default statement will be run if no other case condition is true in the switch structure. There should only be one Default statement, and it is optional.


    • Break: Adds a break action, to be placed at the end of a block of actions. This will bypass the remaining case conditions in the Switch structure. The break can be left off to continue processing case conditions.


    • None


    • switchcase_example.capx: Demonstrates the switch structure, all five case conditions, the default condition, and the break action.
  • Braxmule, awesome find on the Pacing video. Every game designer should watch that.

  • I believe if a level seems like it can be beat, but the player fails due to their own lack of knowledge or skill, then it can be considered challenging and fun. The player knows that if they learn that skill or knowledge then they can beat the level.

    On the other hand, if the player feels that their inability to complete the level is due to forces outside of their control, like random death or knowledge that is not generally available or available within the context of the game, then they will get frustrated and the game won't be fun.

    So, in my opinion, what makes a game fun is not as much about the level of difficulty, but is more about giving the player the feeling that they can beat the game if they can just improve their own skills or use/expand their own knowledge, no matter the difficulty.

    One personal example that comes to mind is 's The Convergence. There wasn't much help at the beginning, and it took a while to figure out what to do, but everytime I failed, I knew it was my fault and that it was possible to beat. If there had been randomly appearing wormholes that killed me, or I needed to know how to calculate the integral of a multi-variable function, then I would have angrily stopped playing.

    The key is to make the player feel like they are in control and that they have everything they need at hand to beat the game.

  • , nice game. it reminds me of the arcade games from the 80s that would eat my quarters because i would die so much and so often. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    01lifeleft, nice demos. i was not able to protect my girlfriend. :-\