Waltan's Forum Posts

  • Here's a working example.



    [quote:16n1ji8c]Im kinda tired of this disability of C2. Title says "You can now make advanced games without writing a line of code." but it can't even load image for sprite as users want it to. It is obvious that if there is such feature people will want to use it as a way of loading DIFFERENT images for DIFFERENT sprites.

    Just noticed you said here Different Images for Different sprites. But in the image you posted you look like you are trying to loop through multiple instances of 1 sprite. My example is for loading the image for multiple instances of 1 sprite.

    So, the problem is in number of Animation Frames? If I have like 802 possible images, i should make 802 animation frames? If it possible to add new frames during the game?

  • I have sprite with var called URL in it.

    Im creating some number of sprites using loop and set different URL values to every sprite.

    Then, I want to load image for every sprite using this URL var.

    But it doesnt work! Is there any way of making it possible?

    Im kinda tired of this disability of C2. Title says "You can now make advanced games without writing a line of code." but it can't even load image for sprite as users want it to. It is obvious that if there is such feature people will want to use it as a way of loading DIFFERENT images for DIFFERENT instances of same sprite.

  • It only works if you preview or export with node-webkit.

    It doesn't work in a preview!

    Then, if it works only in Node-Webkit export, why you advice me that? I pointed out that I need it to work in HTML5 application (in BROWSER)

  • Hi vladoss I thought the nodeWebkit plugin was supposed to do handle that too.

    Look at my previous post

  • The nodeWebkit plugin can do that.

    Doesn't work for me


  • I need to put some text into clipboard in my WEB APPLICATION (IN BROWSER, NOT A PC)

    I searched on the forum for a bit and found plugin which allows you to read text from clipboard but not write it there.

  • Thank you all guys! We are still working on iOS version to show it here: http://devgamm.com/moscow2014/en/

    So there will be more new informaion in the future!

  • I played the game as it is right now. It is a really fun game. I was highly impressed. I love the graphics. Although simplistic, it really adds to the atmosphere of the game. There were some intense scenes even for how short it is and the game play was, for the most part, very smooth and worked well. On of the things I like to see in a game is some sort of how to play built into it. The very beginning does a good job at teaching most of the mechanics. Great work so for guys.

    When I review a game I like to give some constructive criticism. There are a few things I think would help the game play a little. First, using items in the inventory. It was easy to figure out what to do, but in some of the more time intensive scenes, taking my hands off of the direction and jump keys to access the block I needed to jump high enough was a little irritating. I think 1 thing that could make this a little easier would be to have the attack key closer to the number keys so there was less distance to move to reach them. It didn't keep me from passing the area, just took a little more effort to do so.

    Also, the person you had reading the cut scene dialog was extremely difficult to understand and I really would have preferred to have the ability to skip listening to it. I am not saying change the person. If he is the voice you've chosen for the part, that is fine, just give the players the ability to skip the cut scene if they want to. Again this is minor but I am sure there are others who would like to be able to skip through cut scenes as well.

    All in all, I was really impressed with this project and can't wait to see more.

    Thanks alot!

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  • Atmospheric space adventure. Hero goes to an unknown planet in order to find new types of organic matter, but on arrival it expects something mysterious.


    August 12, 2054

    Research complex ZARYA was sent from space Station SOYUZ-1 to the SPECTRUM planet. A day after landing, the request came from the ZARYA for transportation a sample of organic matter discovered on this planet. For this problem single ship COMET was sent to SPECTRUM planet, however upon arrival at destination , complex ZARYA stopped communicating to the outer world...


    Game in beta status for now. Latest version is 1.5

    We are now working on versions for iOS and Andriod and polishing some current game features.

    Game has voiceover for intro and English translation.

    We really need your feedback and suggestion for future updates!

    Here you can follow \ play our game. Version for windows included!

    There is some troubles loading it to Arcade, but I already wrote a message to scirra support. Hope it will be solved soon.


    Hope you enjoy it! Have fun!

  • You may need to modify the index.html file to center it. Open that file and look for something like:

    <div id="c2canvasdiv" style="width: 538px; height: 349px; margin-left: 242px; margin-top: 0px;">

    That div contains your game. You may need to change the margin-top:0px to something like margin-top:200px.

    This is a static solutions, it will leave a space of 200 pixels on the top. To really center divs, you should take a look at google for the keywords: html vertical align.

    Tell me if it helps!

    Thanks alot! This is exactly what I was looking for!

    Just some info for people who might look for the same thing:

    Exported index.html contains:

    <div id="c2canvasdiv" style="margin: 0 auto; width: *your project width*px; height: *your project width*px;">

    Just add margin-top: *size you want*px; somewhere in this brakets.

  • I exported my game and hosted it on Google Drive.

    Only problem is that project is displaying in the top middle of the page, right under bookmarks bar.

    Is there any way to move it?

  • wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Steam_Web_API

    Is it possible to integrate this with Construct 2?

    I see you can get information about player in JSON, so I think it might work.

  • I'm not asking how to make side scrolling, I want make map borderless. If you will scroll camera to the right and as soon as you will reach border it won't stop, map will just shown from begging. And same thing for every direction.

  • When you moves camera in some strategy game, it stucks in the border of game map, but what if camera will move looped?

    Like this:

    <img src="http://s3.hostingkartinok.com/uploads/images/2013/11/9be570cfc20b00f5c587ce1a2ff80b1d.gif" border="0" />

    Any ideas?

  • fill this in text:

    "PX" & player.x

    I think you little misunderstood my request.