Wak017's Forum Posts

  • Also the stutter only happened for me once, it wasn't like the YouTube video. Maybe it has something to do with the player's bullet behavior? Try testing with 8Direction instead and see if the issue persists. If so, it's a camera problem. If not, it's a behavior problem.

    The problem persists upon the platform behavior, as well as the orbit behavior. I actually noticed the stuttering at first on the orbit behavior, on my big project, before to realize that all moving objects, whatever the tool used to make it move, will stutter.

  • For me it looks perfectly fine, I didn't see any stuttering. I don't know why this is happening for you though. Maybe the framerate/refresh rate on your monitor is slow?

    Sorry I wasn't able to help

    The youtube video on my first post shows the stuttering I face. My monitor is a 240hz monitor, it should do the job. According to the debut layout, game also runs at 240fps.

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  • The Google Drive link says that I still don't have access, did you share it correctly? I can't help much until then.

    Personally I like to create a Lerp Camera instead of ScrollTo. Create an invisible camera object with ScrollTo. Then, as an event, Every Tick > Camera > Set Position > X: lerp(camera.x, player.x, 0.03) Y: lerp(camera.y, player.y, 0.03)

    Note that the 0.03 on the lerp can be changed to change how fast the camera focuses on the target position (which for the example was set to player.x and player.y)

    Yeah it is exactly what I did. Let me retry the link:


  • Hey there,

    Today I tried to get rid of the "scroll to" behavior, as it's completely still and lacks quite a couple of properties I wish to have. I decided to create a camera object that follows whatever I want it to follow. However, by doing this, I realized that objects in the game are stuttering, and they're doing so quite a lot even on an almost blank project. I have no idea where this is coming from, but I would like to get rid of that, obviously.

    Here's a tiny project that I made, with an emphasis on the object stuttering upon moving: drive.google.com/file/d/1uIAaiE4YJnC7tYHif1njhjRG1oydGE5j/view

    and here's a video of what I see on my screen: youtube.com/watch

    Obviously I wish to get rid of this stuttering, but since I'm starting the project from scratch, it's hard to blame anything except the software itself. I tried to use different methods to move the camera, such as the "move to" behavior, but the stuttering persists.

    I'm at a loss here.

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  • Thanks a lot for the replies everyone. It turned out that Dop's example was what I was looking for. Interestingly enough, the Y value is override if I used the "pin" (and thus would never work correctly), but it was okay if I used "set target", and used the X and Y values of the desired object. I'm not sure this is a desired behavior by the devs.

  • Wow, this is getting very close to what I'm looking for. However, the object in question is a tileset. If I do:

    Set Y to min(self.Y, mytileset.BBoxTop-self.height/2)

    the player is teleported out of bounds because the tileset takes the entire map. But... this is so close from what I'm looking for.

    I might have an idea. I can store the Y value when the player collides with the floor, and then do the min of self.y and that specific value...

  • Actually, it's super easy to do with Orbit behavior, all you need is one event.

    On every tick : Sprite set Y to min(Self.Y, Ground.BBoxTop-Self.Height/2)

    Are you sure of this? Can I send you my project so you can verify your statement...?

    I'm not exactly sure about this, since during an orbit behavior, the sprite's X and Y position are overwritten by the orbit behavior.

  • Also, no, nothing will be at the same place at any time. Neither will be the interfering object, nor the orbiting object or the object in which another will be orbiting around. I need a very dynamic behavior. I am willing to drop the orbit behavior even though I deeply rely on it right now, but if I could use it still, that'd be great.

  • Thank you for your answer Calminthenight. The proposed example is extremely close to what I'm looking for, however it seems very hard coded towards one particular situation. I somehow haven't been able to change the example to be relative to a dynamic center point of rotation. More especially, I haven't been able to switch the last line of the example to work relative to a dynamic rotation point.

    Here's how close I've been, and as you can see, when hitting the ground things are definitely not behaving properly.


  • Hello everyone,

    I am currently working on a project that includes an object that uses the orbit behavior. My problem, though, is that the object's orbit sometimes will hit the ground. I would like the orbit to adjust itself relative to the ground so that it never goes through the ground.

    Here's a visual representation of what I'm looking for. The orbit is shown in black, ground is shown in red. On collision with the ground, orbit doesn't go through the ground but goes along the green line instead.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • Hello everyone,

    I am currently working on a project that includes an object that uses the orbit behavior. My problem, though, is that the object's orbit sometimes will hit the ground. I would like the orbit to adjust itself relative to the ground so that it never goes through the ground.

    Here's a visual representation of what I'm looking for. The orbit is shown in black, ground is shown in red. On collision with the ground, orbit doesn't go through the ground but goes along the green line instead.

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • I am definitely interested in help! Do you have discord, or what other platform could be used to DM? my discord is !Wak#2815 (exclam point important).

  • I... don't see how this example was helpful in any way.

  • Hello there,

    I am currently working on a platformer and the goal is to have a rope swing that looks like this:


    I was able to code the casting of the rope already, but everything after that is a big mess. The momentum at the start and at the end of the rope swing are all over the place. Nothing is fluid and I am looking for something smooth.

    I was able to get a rope swing with the orbit behavior, but I encountered several problems. First, when I end the orbit behavior, the character just stops dead in its track and its velocity is straight down instead of swinging what was its orbital momentum a frame ago. And second, the orbit's speed is calculated in degrees per second instead of pixels per second, which complicates things. right now the formulas for the rope swing's speed are wrong.

    If you think you can reproduce the rope swing in all it's smoothness like in the youtube video I have shown above please DM me. I don't mind if the orbit behavior is put in the trashcan and a completely different approach is used.

    Thank you in advance!