WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • Your best bet is to get a server. Use AJAX to communicate all the info you need to a file on the server (probably php) where you can send yourself that mail. w3schools.com/php/func_mail_mail.asp

    But please be very very careful with this, get yourself someone who really knows what he is doing, otherwise you´ll open yourself up to all kinds of cheating/frauds/hacks/injection attacks. Not to mention GDPR and data security laws.

  • You simply forgot to set the text. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • First thing you want is to find out how much is the maximum that can be bought. So you do floor(coins/price). Then you add this amount to the player/subtract it from shop inventory if needed. And obviously also subtract amount bought * price from the players money.

  • Like this. Note that the object has to have a starting opacity of 50.

    You can also use the fade behavior, but then you´ll need an event "on fade-out finished > Start fade" and untick Destroy in the bahvior properties.

    EDIT: Ninjaed

  • That´s a question I´ve been pondering over for a while now. I´m also not really a mobile gamer, I mean I´ve played some for some time but that´s about it. The reality is, a mobile game usually has very short development times.

    This has some interesting benefits. Imagine you have 1 year spare time, no day to day job, you are a solo-dev:

    In 1 year, how many mobile games do you think you can make? Probably 6, possibly more. But let´s assume you make 6.

    In 1 year, what kind of game can you make for PC? Is a year even enough time? Of course this also varies on the type of game etc. but lets assume your scope isn´t super-huge and you make 1 game. (As a reference: Dust - An Elysian Tail was planned to take 3 months but ended up taking over 3 years, made by a one-man-army)

    So, same timeframe, but on mobile you pushed out 6 games while on PC you made one. And lets be real, there is NO guarantee that any of the games you made will be popular. BUT on PC you only have one shot, if this one game flops... well that´s it. On mobile, if 5 of the games flop you still got the 6th. In other words, your chances on mobile are better than on PC to make something that a lot of people will play.

    And about money... the thing is it is kinda required to have. Most people (like me) have to go to work for it. This means less time to work on games, working on games... after work. I don´t doubt there are people who can do this with long-term-projects but unless you are leaking dedication out of every orifice it is unlikely. I´m not the type of person that can do this. A mobile game on the other hand... it seems so much more doable in it´s scope. And if it´s a Hit, it will open up the opportunity to really follow the passion.

    So if you make your one big PC game and it flops... what are you gonna do? Maybe you satisfied your passion with it, that´s fine, but you still need money to pay your bills afterall. That´s why I´d say... chase the money, then use the money to chase your passion.

    An interesting quote from Walt Disney in that regards

  • You should check out the documentation and especially demonoire, I think you´ll find a lot of info there.

    editor.construct.net <-- this link will directly open demonoire

  • Just an interesting note: They released a youtube application that appears to be using webkit/chromium.

  • How to set up phone controls?

    Create sprites that you use as buttons and use the touch plugin and the "simulate control" actions.

    Is it hard to test? (I have an Android Samsung S8 and friends with iPhones)

    Preview is easy on both, but when it comes to the actual installing for testing, Android is far easier.

    2. Game type platformer

    Generally all you´ve listed is possible but I recommend starting with smaller goals, then adding on top later.


    Devour the documentation. If you´re stuck somewhere, check the documentation first. Most likely you´ll find your answer there. :)

  • I mean, generally yes, why not. But we already can color-code groups and comments (and use bbcode). I think more than that isn´t all that needed.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think you can disable "allow multiple", this is currently bugged though so I´m not certain. (Should be fixed next release)

    Other than that, it makes sense for the sprite to move like this. While both tweens run the first two seconds, the sprite moves ~283 pixels per second. Then one of them is done tweening, now only the 3 second long tween is still running at ~33 pixels per second. Considering you move ~566 pixels in the first two seconds, it finishes the remaining 34 pixels in 1 second.

    EDIT: Speaking of the next release... it did just release that second :D

  • I´m assuming expvalue is the experience value. This is probably a number value and the error sounds like you try to set it to a string and not a number. I don´t know where or why this happens but I´d assume it happens somewhere in the multiplayer when you change the expvalue to a variable or a value received by the multiplayer plugin. Try using int(value) or float(value) and see if it helps.

    This is a wild guess tho.

  • Depends on the type of game (sidescroller or topdown) and how sophisticated the following needs to be (avoid pits/enemies)

    What's your case?

  • You can use variables/expressions in this field. An example:

    This will set the name to something the user has written into a textfield