WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • At first it said expired, but now it says cancelled. I thought it should auto-renew, I don´t remember cancelling it. Now I can´t use Construct and I´m not sure if it will actually still auto-renew or if I manually have to do it. I don´t mind paying for a good product but not twice :V

    Just in case this happens to anyone else: It sorted itself out in a matter of a few hours, so you might want to grab a coffee :)

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  • What you can do is simply hit Ctrl+F in the event sheet to bring up the search, then type the name of the object. It´s not exactly the same thing I think, but pretty close.

  • Hmm, off the top of my head I can´t really think of a different way other than the mentioned loops, but I´m also not certain what exactly you try to do. You have multiple SpriteA that you want to transfer values to multiple SpriteB (or just a single SpriteB that gets all the values?). Is there also some sort of picking involved so a specific SpriteA is "linked" to a specific SpriteB?

    One thing is always to think if it absolutely has to happen every tick. Maybe you could use a function that you call whenever a synchronization is actually needed. There would be no real benefit to this though if the values are expected to pretty much always change every tick.

    Another story would be if there are so many objects that it would cause lag regardless, simply because it takes longer than a tick to complete. I know there is a plugin that does asynchronous loops in C2, not sure about C3 but I think I´ve read about one somewhere. This would open the problem of the synchronization lagging behind though.

    Other than that... maybe there is a way to do this without having to use loops but I´d say that depends on the exact case.

  • Hey, you can use "compare two values" and the system expression "find"


    I´m assuming you have stored all days inside an array, so you loop through all the values of the array and if a match is found, do something with it, probably push it into a second "Search result array"

  • Web storage is just renamed to local storage. (Correction: Webstorage is deprecated) So whenever he uses web storage you use local storage.

  • I was talking about this line here. If you remove it the chain will check collision with itself, if you keep it the chain will still behave like a chain but not collide with itself. I mainly added it as it prevents the chain from getting "tangled"

  • Hmm so I checked it out. It seems that the action does not take picking into account and that actually appears to be by design. The action is also meant to only be called once (or whenever needed) and not continiously.

    However, you can do this. I don´t know if this is the most optimal way of doing it, but it appears to work.

  • Since you want an actual chain with swinging/physics, you could obviously use the physics behavior. Check this out. You can drag&drop the orange squares.

    Note: Disabling the physics between the individual chain links is optional.


  • Hard to say just from the screenshot. If you debug it and actually confirm that both the turret and player have the same ID it should work. If you make a small example project I could take a look at it.

  • Never had that happen. If you can reproduce it you should file a bugreport. What version are you using? How are you saving the project (cloud, browser,...)? Is it always the most recently created events that go missing or are older events also disappearing?

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  • That might be something you want to post there: github.com/Scirra/Construct-3-bugs/issues

    Especially if you can reproduce it. Generally, a c3p file is just a zip so you can extract it and edit the files with a texteditor, find the duplicate animation name and change it. It might not be that simple though, so beware and backup your project.

    In terms of backup, did you setup construct to do automatic backups? If not, I can just recommend that (aswell as doing backups on your own)

  • Well pyxel probably uses it´s own file extension like photoshop (PSD) that generally is not readable by most other programs. Construct can use png, jpg, gif and a couple of others so yes, you do have to export it to one of these. Obviously you want to keep the original file to do edits lateron. I personally always go with png.

  • How exact do you intend it to be? Getting the exact overlapping area would be pretty tough. The most simple solution would be to just let it splash from the enemy that was hit with enemy.X enemy.Y.

    A different solution I sometimes use is to add an image point to the slash and one in the center of the enemy. Then get the average of their positions. (enemy.ImagePointX + slash.ImagePointX)*0.5. So if you hit it closer to the head the blood will also splash from closer to the head. Might not always be perfect but I think it generally works fine in most cases.