Yeah I've read your posts about js blocks but I'm not sure if there's a solution for it other than offloading more and more work into js directly. Keep js blocks minimal and handle the rest outside the eventsheet. Sure, Ashley could start fixing this somehow but it's one of these things that is straight up not relevant for a vast majority of users, so I can understand why he brushes it off.
Managing per instance arrays, or dictionaries requires an amount of repetitive boiler plate every time you use it.
This is one of the cases why I really dislike working with data structures in eventsheet context. Overboys addon does solve this exactly how I would envision it should be solved, like instance variables being able to hold arrays/json/data. But I'm at the point where I'm very comfortable in js so I'd just subclass the instance, give it a this.array and some methods to handle the data and call it a day. (If I ever manage to push out my current game, my next game will probably be 95% js)
Anyway, I think this is fine. That's exactly why there's javascript, to handle the cases that the event engine can't. Advanced problems require advanced solutions.