Are we just talking about performance problems with TextBoxes or also with the normal Text Object?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
PhoenixNightly: Why shouldnt Text be used? What are the disadvantages? And when should I use Textobjects?
I really like rex' moveto plugin:
Write a plugin It's not that hard.
Maybe you have a capx or more detailled information? I don't really get what you want to do.
You asked the same question a few days ago and a lot of people helped you:
I'm sorry I couldnt help you. Please inform me about your progress!
There's one problem with construct about this: You can't create associative arrays. Maybe you'll have a look at ReyRainbows HashPlugin. It's awesome to store JSON data. Maybe you could extend this plugin to fit your needs.
Cause the paper touch is handled before all other touches.
I have my own plugin where I put small functions like this. Browser Execute Javascript is not secure.
I really recommend you to write a plugin and forget about the Browser object.
I think DUTOIT isn't against people asking a lot of questions. But this guy didn't show any motivation to learn things on his own and expected other people to do his work. I understand it's frustrating and also rude when someone is always demanding but not even trying to put some efforts in his own projects.
Create a "Wait 0 " action right before you call zorder().
How exactly do you save your variable? WebStorage?
Put all sprites on your map in a family. Then make a function you call everytime the player changed something on the map:
foreach spritefamily
ordered by spritefamily.Y ascending
Spritefamily move to top of layer