vtrix's Forum Posts

  • why not batch objects per family? or have batchgroups, this would provide more control over the batching, this would also batch single objects together, like for example the spriter plugin, there's no reason that these objects should not be batched together, and in the end would maximize performance for everyone, using frames or objects.

  • at least it looks neat, yeah just displaying some data,

    going further, so if you want to do something with an array,

    lets say a drag and drop rearrange of items in the array

    would you suggest to make a temp array or somehow manipulate the json array itself

    well i guess the best way would be to duplicate the json array, then you can use the arrayfeatures

    but then how do you work with the object inside? any insights?

  • Yann , great idea's, but where i was pointing at with the weapons, was an inventory that would be divided by weapontype (shields,swords,etc..) but now i already know alot more on how i would put it together.

    i've made some progress with my first tests,

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/616 ... index.html

    (you can click on the first icons)

    basicly 3 objects as "folders", in the folders you have arrays with again objects with the data, and ofcourse inside.. theres..another array, inception!

    now next will be the hard part, modifying data, connecting data, how to get a specific array entry, etc..

    im wondering if everything is supposed to happen in the json object or are there parts where i should generate a c2.array and work with that and then reimport to the json

  • yes, i agree the object term is just whats used in json and should stay like this, im just going thru the plugin and actually the json structure and making sense of it, here are some reference i found usefull,



  • not sure how i can add new entry's in a array object, from the inspection capx example, i guess the root object is an array, these contain 5 objects, and these objects has all the data and furter nested arrays

    found this nice online editor


  • a use case i want to test, is having a list of objects, and then an array that links to an id of one of the objects to get that info

    i wonder if looping thru objects instead of properties would be a usefull

    if you have weapon(s) object, do you create a new object for each weapon or create new weapons thru properties ( thinking )

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  • well i for one am currently looking into it and try to wrap my head around the plugin, but its looking good, the json file example is a good one to see how to iterate thru everything..

    questions that come to mind is,

    what will be the best way to import certain data, (maybe rex csv to ... ) or straight from a json editor

    exporting and saving the json string / edit : ok thats covered ... ToJson

    yes, it takes some time to really give good feedback or find problems, only way to know will be trying things out i guess, or wait

  • Yann , this is amazing work, will probably become my favorite plugin, so thank you, i was currently working alot with arrays, and was searching for a good system to have arrays in arrays recursively, for anything that needs a directory like structure, but a json structure is a complete solution, and is way better. (i still need to test it but it looks great)

    now if we only could use the dot notation for the created objects, something like get JSON.classes.thief.hp, + i also read recently that object variables can now be accessed by plugins, by AddObjectInstanceVarParam, im not 100% but maybe there's some possibilities in exchanging data from json to object variables

    anyway will test this in coming week..

  • any news on this? i can't image that there system (phpbb) should work like this, i have to relogin sometimes 3-4+ times a day, is it per session or something? i dont recall changing system that much..

  • does loading images from url work in cocoonjs? this could potentially be a workaround (if its supported)

    edit: ignore, would only work online ofcourse

  • [quote:1bzxdw8j]This is practical in instances such as having HUD global spritefonts and then wanting to use the same spritefont for a message box or something but then the global property screws it all up for the localized instance of the spritefont.

    actually its more an issue of picking the right text instances, having a variables name="score" tag="hud" can help you here , making a function out of it also helps, or you could simple check if they are on a certain layer, many possibility's..

    [quote:1bzxdw8j] it would be handy if the sprite font could load images from within the game's files.

    yes it would, and maybe having the same ability like sprites to change frames, right now im using a spritefont family to do all my picking, +different spritefontobjects for different styles, having more control over spritefont, is definitly something i would like to see

  • there's a drug and drop plugin? or is it drop the drugs?

  • i have a lot of functions to check, and fastest way would be a search, but the search function in c2 is really "strange"

    basicly the problem is, if you search for a function, only the function name is displayed and you can't open the subevents, so most of the time i cant see what the function is, then you cancel the search and it resets to top, so i cant do nothing with it

    so a workaround is search, bookmark, cancel search, goto bookmark, and what you know, its not the function im looking for, again...

    for now i would like to ask to have some modification that a function(subtree) can be at least accessed.

    further im hoping for some improvements on search system in the future

    -highlight searchtag or event/condition/action (this would also better indicate you are in searchmode)

    -jump to next/prev

    -open/close all events/subevents / not just groups

    -flat search without filtering events

    ps: it could actually work as bookmarks, but on search-based and when in search mode you press up/down to traverse searches

  • damn, lost my post.. using nodewebkit? not used to it, but there is official node webkit plugin, for more options like maximize, or your starting the wrong layout,you can select first layout in projectsettings, other than that i need more info

    not sure if manual layout scaling is the best option, but its difficult to tell without seeying the project

  • hi!

    i think you can use, action, system: set canvas size for this,

    you can do this on start of layout..

    this is also a way to control resolution, if you use fullscreen scaling, the smaller you set the canvas,

    well obviously the smaller the resolution will be, but it will still use fullscreen, so a small canvas will have a pixelated look,

    a higher canvas will look sharper

    you will probably run in the same old, what about different orientation, screensizes, euhm do a forumsearch