Vpick's Forum Posts

  • Just an interesting note: They released a youtube application that appears to be using webkit/chromium.

    I read about this as well. Is this good news, does it mean anything at all? Ashley Switch support would 100% bring me back to C3.

  • Last I used it a couple months back, C3 was pretty fantastic, and the few times that I've posted bug reports the issue was handled quickly by Ashely. I love some of the basic quality of life changes since C2 (being able to right-click on an object and find all references to it is a major time saver), but without a way to get onto the Switch, I'm currently trying out GameMaker Studio 2, and Clickteam.

    I don't find either as usable as C3, and I would never leave, but I want to get my work on the Switch, and that's just not possible with C3 right now. :(

  • With the windows version I set just set the launch options to target the nw.js executable. This is done in the application setting on the Steamworks website.

  • Right now I'm setting up my game on Steam with the builds from nw.js, and while I'm having no trouble with the windows version, the Linux version doesn't launch. I have the executable set to be the package.nw, but nothing happens when I try to launch the game. I've read that a command needs to be ran to make the game executable (chmod +x nw or something like that), but I have no idea how to set it up so that steam can do that automatically for the player so they can get right into the game without fiddling.

    I know next to nothing about Linux unfortunately, so I'm very much lost.

    Ashley I figure if anyone would know how to do this it would be you.

  • In the past I've been able to record a log file in Chrome to help with bug reports, but right now I am getting random hard-crashes where C3 just closes up, no error, nothing. It's happening in the desktop version, Canary, and Chromium. It's totally random when it happens, and happened twice today just while idle (after having already worked for about 5 hours with no issues). Do any of these programs leave crash reports that I'm not aware of? I'd love to report this on Github, but hopefully with more information than "randomly crashes".

  • I thankfully haven’t had any memory issues since late beta, but random crashes is the thing that keeps me from using the software full time. In chrome, Firefox, and the desktop app the program/browser will just random close. No error, just hard close. I would file a bug report but it’s too random. Sometimes I’ll be using it for 5 minutes, sometimes 30, but it happens enough where I’m sticking with C2.

    For now I’m still keeping subscribed to C3 to support further development. I trust that in time these issues will be resolved.

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    Will the current version work with NW.js 0.25? Forgive my ignorance, it's just come time for Steam integration on my game and I don't know where to start.

  • EDIT: Submitted the issue to GitHub, we moved it over to the GC team, they found that it was a pretty big issue with Chrome, and are rolling out a patch to the latest beta (which I believe can be found in Canary).

  • Working more the past few hours it has been painful trying to add new layouts and the application is spending a lot of time rendering images and it frequently locks up while trying to load these images. My game is under 8mb still and I am spending half my work time staring at the screen waiting for it to load and hoping it's not actually frozen.

    While the initial load time is much faster for me today than it was yesterday, I'm getting similar performance issues. I recorded my opening the application with task manager open, and then opening my file and loading a couple layouts. Then I did the same in Construct 2 for a speed comparison. I'll upload the video later today/tonight and share results.

    I just don't want to be one of those people you see in some threads who whine about performance, but don't show anything to back it up. If there is anything more I can check/show to better help understand the issue, I'll be happy to do so.

  • I can import a ~400mb .capx file in to C3 in about 20 seconds on my machine. So if it takes 10 minutes it sounds like something's definitely gone wrong. Given there aren't many other reports of this it does sound like something specific to your system. Maybe try disabling any browser addons you have installed?

    If you have memory issues, try using Chrome Canary - they recently fixed some memory leaks and from what we've seen from other bug reports, Chrome Canary fixes most memory-related issues. In due course it will make its way down to the Stable channel.

    Thanks for responding. After updating this morning, the import time seemed to be significantly faster, but preview times are still the same (5+ minutes). In chrome the preview causes it to run out of memory, but in canary they load. If it helps, I notice that during these long preview load times that in the bottom left corner it says "Rendering Spritesheets" with the numbers progressively changing.

  • I'm still having memory issues as well.

    I've had to work on my projects in C2 til an update addressing the memory issue comes.

    But that does leave me to ask about an extension on my subscription since I literally cannot use the software to develop my project(s) at the moment.

    I'm in the same boat. My game is my work right now (which hopefully I can make money from soon), and C3 can't be part of my workflow just yet. I totally understand and appreciate all the work Ashley and the team are doing right now, and I understand that my CAPX is probably a lot larger than most, so I'm willing to be a patient, but I also hope that they consider extending our licenses for a bit, as C3 is currently unable to handle the same projects that work fine in C2.

  • If you have really bad connection maybe this can take a long time?

    10-15 minutes seems very strange though. Do you have a lot of chrome extensions activated?

    Did you try running construct 3 in an incognito window to see if it's faster?

    I have 100 down / 10 up for my internet, so i don't think that's the issue, especially since I tried running offline before. I disabled all extensions, and still get the same issue. Google Canary doesn't get the "ran out of memory" issue, but is still unusable slow.

    Something odd though, when importing/opening my file, it'll load to 99.4%, then hang, occasionally getting that message that the tab is unresponsive, then about 10 minutes later it finishes loading.

  • So if you are making a report, let us know the following:

    Operating System (me: Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit

    RAM: 8GB

    Browser: Chrome 58.0

    Construct 3: r39

    Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit

    Ram: 24GB DDR3

    CPU: Intel i7-920 2.6 (4.0 OC)

    GPU: AMD R9 290

    Browser: Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)

    Nothing in task manager is taking up much CPU or Memory, and C2 loads the project just fine (~10 seconds). Is it possible my project is just a bit large? 140mb doesn't seem too huge, but it's certainly not a small arcade game either.

  • I recently got my C3 license, and decided to import the game I've been working on in C2, but when importing my capx (~140mb), it takes about 10 minutes to finish loading up, and multiple times I have to tell Chrome to wait for it to load instead of killing the tab. Once loaded up I go to preview a layout, and after about 5 minutes of trying I'll get a message that Chrome is out of memory. I switched to Google Canary, and previews will now load, but it takes about 10-15 minutes each time.

    I've tried saving the app to desktop so that I can run it offline, but I still get the same issue with the long load times and memory issues. In C2 the project loads up in about 10 seconds, and previews take just as long. But these long wait times take a massive chunk of my working time, and until they're fixed I won't be able to use C3, which is a huge bummer since I already paid for it.

    I don't see many threads here talking about editor performance issues, so I'm wondering if there are common hacks or settings I can mess with to get things moving along.

  • Whoops! Ashley already answered what I was asking in another thread.

    That post refers to Remote Preview only, not the full C3 editor.

    Support for the browser APIs we need is pretty much entirely up to Apple, and they are notoriously secretive.