Vithor14's Forum Posts

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  • i am trying to make a racing/combat game, just like old games like rock and roll racing and vigilante 8, just top-down, i may even try to dip my toes on multiplayer and send my friends off track

    i am using the car behavior as it is just AMAZING for the driving part, it is even amazing at doing different terrain types/fricction, but for my game is essencial that the car reacts in a good way to explosions/flowing rivers/strong gusts of wind and other stuff like it

    however, there is no "apply force" command, or anything like it on the car behavior, probably because of the way its made, i can fake a explosion from behind or front by changing the speed and aceleration of the car very rapidly, but this way for sideways explosions i just can't do it

    the closest i got was making a explosion work on the side of the car is to spawn dozens of fast decelerating projectiles in a round pattern with the solid behavior, and each time some of these projectiles hit the car their speed get slower until getting destroyed

    but this still freezes the car when hit by more than 1 explosion at the same time, hits on the front completely stop the car(and on the back dows nothing), and everything feels wonky in general, it feels more like a wall pushing(as it is) than a force, and i can't go as crazy with it because of performance(probably not as big of a deal)

    is there any way to make this works more or less as i want?(car behavior, but with an hability to apply force) even if i have to redo the car behavior on custom movement (i would love some tips with the math behind that)

    thanks in advance

  • This will be difficult to make with Car behavior. Have you considered using Physics? Or a combination of Car+Physics. It's not recommended mixing Physics with other behaviors, but when done correctly it may work.

    I have a small demo where I control a ball with explosions:

    i was already kinda thinking about using physics, but i don't really know how to make my whole game using it(i am doing a game about drifting), in the capx that you sent i tryed just to add the car behavior to the ball, but if i start moving the ball using the car controls it just completely ignores my clicks

    i was thinking on a even more extreme solution, how hard is it to make my own plugin? i never tried to anything like it, but i did some programming in games on gadot and unity, how "advanced" do you need to be to make plugins?

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  • i am making a racing game with the player racing against 7 or 6 other cars(for now its bots, but i want to make then being online players)

    but not just racing, i want to make so you can shoot those other cars, but instead of doing damage, i want my weapons to knockback the enemies and puch then around, maybe out of track or to a trap, or even accidentaly on a speed booster but i can't seem to make it work

    i also would like to make so colisions can push other cars, so if you don't have ammo, you can just hit your oponent on the side of the car and push then to the side

    i am using the behavior car, i didn't found a way to change the movement angle or anything like it without also rotating the car to push my car with explosions, i tryied using the physics behavior alongside the car behavior but it didn't work

    as for the colisions its the same problem as above, but adding um that my cars pass though each other, and when i put solid and hit an enemy, my car just bouces around like the wall is made of rubber, and the enemy don't even move, its like its made of stone

    is there a work around for this? to make the cars and objects have a more realistic "weight" to it, instead of a "NFS carbon mountain race enemy cars literally made out of concrete" behavior?

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  • dop2000 isn't canvas heavy? because you are rendering stuff twice, also, how would that work? i didn't understand

  • Só basically i am making a drifting racing game, and i want to make skid marks, so when my car is drifting it can be seen more clearly that the player is drifting

    the way that i did this is that on every tick that the player angle and the player moving angle are more than 30 degrees, it creates an sprite "derrapada" at two of the player image points located on the back wheels of the car and set those sprites rotation to be the same as the car moving angle

    it makes a very pretty effect, but after 1 lap, if the player is drifting okayish will be made about 2000 "derrapada" sprites(the sprites fade out after some time, so this number hardly increases more than that)

    for now, on my computer this doesn't have any noticeable performance loss,even on the worst case scenario with 2 players drifting together(the second player screen being rendered trough canvas plugin) but since i am thinking about expanding this mechanic a lot, i want to know beforehand if it can make frametime > fps

    since im thinking about making my game playable also on phones,adding this effect to enemy bots, and adding this to the four wheels i want to know beforehand:

    how much performance can be reduced by creating several instances of the same sprite? is it significant or negligible?

    is there any way to change the properties of the sprites to make then more efficient?if not, is there any other plugin that can create the same effect but more efficiently?

    is there any other good way of making skid marks without creating objects every tick for every wheel drifting on the scene?

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    i tried disabling WebGl, the game didn't crash instantly, but the performance is way worse and it only show tilemaps near the player one, anyone have another solution?

  • hello, basically, i am doing a top-down racing game, and i decided to make it split screen, after reading some forum posts and some tutorials, i managed to do it on my project

    it showed all sprites fine, but then i had a huge problem, everytime i tried to show tilemaps on the canvas, i got an runtime error

    i got this error when i tried with either Paster plugin from R0J0hound and Canvas from Rex.Rainbow

    is there a way to fix this? or an workaround?

    sorry for bad english, not native speaker

  • i am doing a top down racing game, and i REALLY needed this behavior, do you still have the files, can you reupload?

  • i have a simple game about flying a spaceship, and killing enemies,asteroids and stuff, and when i die my score is saved to an array, that is a leaderboard, then this leaderboard is sorted and saved to local storage

    i already have the game working on an webserver

    but i noticed that every player has its own version of the leaderboard,but i want everyone who play the game to share the same leaderboard to do this i want to know if theres a way to save the leaderboard to a file on the same server that game is on

    i already tried saving the leaderboard using NW.js and web storage but it didn't work

    i don't know ANYTHING about php or mysql or any of that fancy stuff, and i just want to save a simple array to a file

    sorry for bad english

    anyone can help?

  • 10 posts