virtuquest's Forum Posts

  • What!!

    That is great!

    I will look over your stuff.....

    Thanks for replying

  • Hi there,

    I think much of what you are describing will be pretty easy to create.

    Many of my interactives/simulations involve matching items, showing definitions, etc...

    A tour of a facility or layout with Hot Spots would be super easy...

    Tutorial-wise would also be pretty easy in terms of step by step processes and checks for completing a task, etc...

    My main difficulty is design and graphics.... Getting things to look good and real.

    Are you new to C3 or have experience already?

  • Hi there,

    Seems many use Construct to teach programming skills... But does anyone else build items to use in your teaching?

    I have been building interactive reviews, labs and activities that my students use as part of my instruction.

    Hoping to find other teachers that use it for developing teaching tools so we can collaborate and swap ideas :)

    Thanks for reading.

  • Geology Lab for students:

    Students uses the GeoView 2350 to view

    thin section of different rock sample. :)

  • Hmmm,

    That makes sense, will give this a try.

    Thanks for your input.

  • Hi there,

    Looking for thoughts on how to create a rubber band stretch effect or mechanics?

    I am designing a lab activity to shoot rubber bands but I am stuck on best way to have the sprite stretch while using the mouse to drag it...?

    Just looking for best a direction to go since I am stuck...

    Thanks for any advice...


  • OMG!!!! Yes my bad thanks again for your help.....

    Totally appreciation and thanks :)

  • I am very lame, but yes I have completed tutorial and many C3 projects, but my script aspect of C3 is horrible.

    Thanks for the hints, as I now have my "Engine" working using your guidance.

    Else statement now has Set Position to(self.StartX, self.StartY)

    I tried object.startY.....but Object keeps filling in with objectcount...?

    Thanks again, and I will always pass it forward if given the opportunity...

    Best regards,

  • Oosyrag,

    Thasnk for the information and clues...I have done that and it makes sense.

    Now How can I use the StartX and StartY instance variables?

    I need to access them in the Else statement and wondering if I do

    Set Position or Set X and Set Y because I cannot type in the Instance Variables into those choices?

    Very close to what I need just missing the mechanics...? :-)

  • Hi there, still a newbie but loving C3!

    I have several sprites that are arranged in random order on the On Load of a layout.

    However, they are draggable and when you drag to an incorrect location, they need to return to the original random spot they start at.

    So every time you load the screen they will have a different start position which needs to be updated...? Hope that makes sense, I basically just need to save an XY of an object for later reference maybe....?

    Thanks for looking and any help is much appreciated....

  • Well,

    C3 forum must be teaching me something..:-)

    I was able to get this to work by adding:

    IndexArray ----Set size to ( 5,1,1) after reload button was clicked:

    Thanks for looking. :)

  • i there C3'ers,

    Creating a simple random quiz-like C3 project.

    General description is press button you get random question, until all questions completed.

    If you get a good score move to next layout/round 2...if not try round 1 again.

    Questions are stored as String Variables in a desriptionarray but randomized in another indexarray and deleted once selected by the randomizer.

    Problem when I restart layout using a button the index array is empty and nothing really works.

    I have tried Resetting Global, Reset Persisted objects, etc...seems the only way i get it to really reload is to use a Browser Reload which I do not want to use...


  • Ok, that seems to work. :-)

    Not sure why I could not get this as I know I tried versions of that .....

    Thanks for the easy fix..

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have tried many variations and read many postings but cannot get this simple

    math equation to show 2 decimals. I am totally missing something simple but I am going nuts!

    Global Variable is call FinalAvg

    Answer is derived from 5 input boxes each with a number. ( VAL1, Val2, etc...)

    Numbers are all added up and divided by 5. However I need the answer displayed with

    two decimal places.

    This is the value for my FinalAvg


    I can get the answer to display in a text box, but have tried round, floor ..others to display

    two decimal places..Please help...


  • Thank you so much....

    Sorry for posting an obvious fix :)