virtuquest's Forum Posts

  • Been using C3 for 2 years linking my Google Drive to my projects.

    Nothing has changed in the last 24 hour and out of the blue I get this error:

    Error 401: deleted_client

    The OAuth client was deleted.

    Anyone else ever see this or knows what to do?



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  • Thanks for the response, I cannot get the syntax correct in my code?

    Original code (RKScore/tries) *100 & "%"

    New code round(RKScore/tries) *100 & "%"

    The result keeps rounding up to 100% from 66%.

    What does the X in round(x) represent?

    Thanks for more guidance :-)

  • Hi there,

    creating an little practice quiz activity which counts the number of tries to show a final percentage score.

    (correct/tries) *100 & "%"

    However if you get 2 out of 3 the result is 66.6666666666667%

    How do I truncate this so it only shows 66%?

    I have tried "Round" but that does not seem to work...?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks to AllanR :=)

    Just for the next person with the same questions ;-)

  • Solved...

    Thanks so much I did not realize you also have to "Set" it like you mentioned.

    I just updated it and it now works.

    Thanks so much for helping a newbie :-)

  • I think so..., this is how I made the 2 arrays...:

  • Hi there,

    Wondering if anyone else can help me trying to work with a 2 dimensional array of information.

    I will try not to make this too wordy :)

    Basically I am making an interactive Planet Quiz.

    One array is the random 8 planets, the other 2 dimensional array is the 8 planets each with 3 characteristics.

    For some reason I can get the random planet name to work, but I cannot get anything other than the first characteristic of each planet to work that is pulled from the 2 dimensional array...?
