vinny's Forum Posts

  • well, when string objects take in integers, they're automatically cast into string format are they not?

  • curious, how much, in relation to 3d, can Construct potentially support without 3d being Constructs main focus?

    animations could actually be a lot easier if it were possible to import 3d models into Construct and have the various animations/nodes bound to user specified animation branches (in the animation tree? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />)

    just an idea

  • you need to first cast the number into a string format and then you need to extract its middle substring.

    <img src="">

    in this example i used 2 text objects, the first one is to show the original value in a string format (i stored the actual number in a variable inside the text object) and the second one is to show the extracted number but you can just as easily have done that with only one string object.

    the middle substring method comes from the system object in this format:

    Mid(String, Start, Count)

    "Mid" is pretty obvious, it's the name of the method that's being called.

    "String" is where you put the string, it can either be provided explicitly or it can come from an object as i have done in the picture but those aren't the only ways.

    "Start" is the position you would want to substring to start extracting from beginning at the left.

    "Count" is the number of characters you want to extract beginning from the start position.

    the only thing you will have to be careful of is the ordering of the actions because certain actions aren't possible without other actions having taken place first.

    i'd put up a picture of the actual outcome at runtime but it isn't much to look at, it's just a window with "1558" in one spot and "5" in another. XD

    other than that, just play around with that method if you don't quite understand my essay of an explanation. lol

  • it's because arrays are called upon as objects like strings are called upon as objects

    i'm not entirely sure since i haven't touched any scripting languages in a while but like strong objects, arrays have methods which you can call upon unlike integer or int, which is merely a data type

  • I think she should complete Construct instead of changing everything now when we're so close to 1.0 release. I'm sure someone will make a 3D plugin for it later on.


  • it's rharpe! now i'm hoping to see some amazingly pixelled games! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • oh yeah, i forgot about the templates =P

    well in that case maybe the templates should be downloadable (maybe at a later date when the wiki has matured more) based on what the user wants rather than have them packaged with construct and hardly ever touched (i hardly ever look into templates but that may just be me)

    in the end, templates are definitely what i'm talking about when trying to set a certain standard of quality among programs created with construct

  • what i think gullanian is asking for is to be able to browse the effects WITHOUT the descriptions

    • do you have cookies enabled in your browser?

    -- the forums use cookies to keep you logged in (it's what the forum eats :p)

    • do you clean out your cookies?

    -- see explanation above

    • do you use a program like ccleaner?

    -- this program clears temp data including cookies

  • i have and idea would most definitely benefit growth in the development of games using construct.

    the idea is to provide basic custom game engines available publicly.

    i can understand why some prefer to keep their code private and to their eyes only but i'm not proposing that one share their unique secret to success but rather to provide general common knowledge that most experienced developers already have so that the hindrances may be taken down for those who aren't educated in the basics.

    this will not only provide new and inexperienced devs the opportunity to learn by seeing code that works as well as to play around with code to see HOW it works but this will also guarantee a certain level of quality amongst the games that will be created using construct and from understanding the custom game engines to applying the custom game engines, the growth will come from not having to figure out how to implement what already exists but rather to explore new ideas.

    the custom game engines should probably go in the wiki, documented and all

    p.s. i realize that it seems like i'm asking for a free custom game engine and maybe i am but that's only because i don't know everything <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /> i do, however, genuinely believe in what i have said in this post to be a potentially powerful and permanently, quality improving idea

  • well, if you don't start, you'll never finish! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /> better to actually have something than nothing, don't you think?

  • all things are circumstantial and unlike most random 14-year-old dreamers, attan has already specified that he has documented a game proposal. some dreamers are willing to make full-time commitments to projects while others aren't but one can never know for sure until the end but that same process, whether completed or not, will help them learn so even if the dreamer is inexperienced, doing just about anything will definitely provide them some experience. everyone's gotta start somewhere! =P

  • i can't commit myself to your project but i'm definitely willing to help out from time to time, i'll just need to know what you're trying to accomplish and i'll see what i can do.

  • i suggested split screen multiplayer before but maybe a plug in that will expand on the display functions would be better, the ability to have picture in picture with specified dimensions rather than a screen simply divided into halves

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  • how about buoyancy?