vinny's Forum Posts

  • That sprite is pretty good, it's easy on the eyes. Adding a fourth frame could make it a lot smoother though depending on what your goal is for that sprite.

    My current project is inspired by castle defense type games but eventually evolved to the point that it can be considered an rts.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be castles but that's just the initial idea; I've had other ideas about using the same type of gameplay but with modern warfare instead but that will have to wait till later though.

    The game will have a storyline but like most rts games, skirmishes will be the main focus so I hope to incorporate multiplayer options eventually.

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  • i'm not too sure but i know that even though layers can be locked the objects can still be interacted with (i don't mean at runtime)

  • wtf ...

  • i am currently working (albeit, slowly) on a strategy, rts-ish game.

    so far, i've only worked in the basic, background processing that's to be used as well as placeholder sprites, background, hud. the next step is to add physics and runtime animations/movements but i'm not sure how far that's going to get because the idea documentation is still incomplete but then again, i might just work on the game engine to make it as all encompassing for the game as possible then, i'll just throw it up here and everyone can pitch in ideas to complete it!

    i'm also wondering if we should get a small community project going to help promote the release of construct v1. what are you thoughts on this?

  • there are some noticeable problems but this is still pretty cool.


    • the wall climbing/jumping doesn't always work as expected, sometimes the smiley moves upwards but at other times it just halts its descent for a moment
    • when landing from a higher surface, the smiley will stop its horizontal movement

    these are just things that i can remember at the moment, do you plan on working on these problems?

  • yeah, i think doppel and attan pretty much got it spot on lol

    and welcome to the forums, midnight!

  • curious, what does the process involve? is it a matter of porting the vb runtime so that it is able to run on consoles or is the process different?

  • set direction to face right ~ set direction to 0 degrees

    set direction to face left ~ set direction to 180 degrees

    it'll work <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

  • the link doesn't seem to be working for me but taking hints from the conversation already going on, i presume that the events are made such that the zombie will always go towards the right

    what needs to be done here is to create additional conditional checks

    + is for conditions

    • is for actions

    + zombie collides with wall

    + zombie is facing towards the right

    • set the direction to face left (or bounce towards the left if you can)

    + zombie collides with wall

    + zombie is facing towards the left

    • set the direction to face right (or bounce ...)

    a little advice for future problems:

    whenever you are stuck with a problem, try to break down as much as possible or to the point that you can understand the problem well enough to tackle the smaller pieces that make up the entire problem

  • have you tried all the functions in the zip object?

  • ashley made a comment somewhere regarding this

    to keep everything in construct consistent, all indexes will be 1-based

  • an online plug is currently in the works

  • how about making it possible to run on computers without pixel shader 2.0?

  • As my game grows, so does the clutter in the event sheet editor dialogs. I have to sift through dozens of useless Tiled Background objects that I don't need to perform actions on because they're just decorative. I'd like to request a way to exclude them from the dialog so that I just see the objects I'm concerned with. Would it be possible to add a new property to each object's Common properties to take care of this? Something like "Include in events" with the default being a checkmark or a "Yes." Something toggle-able, in case I want to go back later and include that object for event editing.

    Note that I don't want to make them hide in events already created, just the object picker.

    organization is definitely needed here. having the option of ordering the objects in the object picker dialog would be even better

  • ACTUALLY! if you check the image in my previous post, you'll notice that i actually didn't cast 1558 to a string, i actually displayed it as an integer and picked out the substring of the integer.

    so i've just proved that it's possible to extract parts of an integer using the substring method but when it comes to using substring methods, it's better to cast whatever it is, that you want the substring of, to a string first though. this will prevent any unexpected surprises right from the start.