Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • Very interesting plugin. I would like to use it for ingame "bug reporting" and stuff. IS it fully working now?

  • awesome work. I was doing all that via events and Paster but this is soo much more convenient!

  • Holywood-quality audio. I have all the monthly and special packs from them. Was even able to grab some extra from Timothy after all the seeding ^^ pro assets from pro creators

  • Hi guys. I thought about giving something back to the community. So anybody making any horror/scary games nowadays? If you do - I have something for you to drop into the background. And I promise you - your gamers will be wetting their pants even if the only thing they see is the loading screen. Its for you to take, for free.

    The License is CC 4.0 aka do w/e the heck you want - as long as you give me credit and don't try to sell my audio as a stand-alone.

    All the music/ambients are available via my old YouTube channel. Just rip them off the videos (I don't have a server :\ ) and you have my blessings to become the next Five Nights. I assume if you can make games - you should know how to download audio from YouTube, don'tcha? Well at least I do.

    If you don't and you are too lazy too google, here's a tools that might aid you:

    Albums available for your use are:

    1.Album "Howling"

    2. Album "Jagged Light"

    3. Album "Wounds of Iron"

    What else? Meh, I don't know. Cheers! Go get yourself famous.

  • You are a pretty lucky sonofawhatever Irbis That is quite an increase in assets! glad to hear you are on your feet again.

    Okay this is as good as it gets. Plus I really just want to move forward and get this over with.


  • Ouwwee... hope you get well soon!

    The starships are much better now. The previous ones were good but the enhanced colors on these are much nicer to look at.

    Very happy you like the new version I was afraid people will get sad due to Pixel Art being turned into more modern design. Plus, I got on my feet again. Kiddo is still recovering. But I've managed to make a whooping discovery! You see, I actually started some WIP for eventual space game couple of months ago. I never really had the opportunity to use those graphics but they are very similar to those over here. Sadly, some nasty stuff happen over that time and I've lost my main Hard Drive with assets and materials worth of 10 years of game developing. Those graphics was of course on that bloody HD. Lucky for me, when I try to work as efficient and in a organized fashion - I still end up having a very messy workplace, with files and stuff scattered all across my desktop and folders. And it saved my **** this time. I've found some of those graphics yesterday, on dropbox and on my PostImage account. Why does it matter? Because there's:

    1 x Spritesheet with 35 frames of Mothership graphics, Tier after Tier of progression

    26 x Enemy ships from 4 different races

    2 x Space Stations

    2 x Player main ship sheets. Every with 10 frames, with progressive changes

    After a whole day, I just finished cleaning up those old graphics. So now, instead of having:

    16 x Enemy ships

    3 x Space Stations

    10 x Progressive Player ship

    Now I have:

    44 x Enemy Ships

    5 x Space Stations

    35 x frames for Mothership

    10 x Player Assist Ship A

    10 x Player Assist Ship B

    10 x Player Assist Ship C


    I am a incredibly happy hippo right now lol.

  • Polished and upgraded the starship sprites a bit. I think this is as close as it gets to what I had in mind. And thats the last update for Stellar Flux for couple of days... I got food poisoned and I am barely seing what I type. Plus my kid got fever so we all be staying home for next couple of days.


  • Aaawlrighty, now I am on the same page here! Thank yous for the explaining The ships certainly look good.

    No problem, my pleasure And I am very happy you like my starships ^_^ I <3 starships.

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  • Oh, seems interesting and nice.

    I'd like to play: yours is a spectacular universe.

    Thank you most kindy el3um4s!

  • Starships landed. Pun intended


  • So let me get this straight since I'm somewhat balancing between interest and confusion

    First, What we see in the videos is only the world and scenery, correct?

    Secondly, You mentioned about landing on planets, harvesting, using resources etc. Will we be seeing a space ship and a character that will be controlled inside a sector in the future?

    Sorry about the confusion. I'll elaborate right away!

    The first sentence is correct. Its the game world, at least in its current state. But its a huge WIP and is missing A LOT of content. Such as resources, enemy ships, neutral alien beings, comets, asteroid fields, crystal clusters, gas clouds,, FogOfWar, and more polishing.

    Its just the game world - without Player-World interactions for now. But there are already some basics World-World interactions, such as stray asteroids smashing into each other, into sun, into planets or getting sucked by black holes. Black holes, beside sucking any stray asteroids nearby, also suck and damage planets and plasma from sector's Sun.

    About the spaceships - this should answer your question and curiosity Of course, as with everything above - its still an early Work In Progress and everything will be changed and polished up to my current limits of skill and knowledge.


  • Oh my god! did you make those graphics? please share! lol

    I am a One-Man-Army. I create practically everything for my games. Be it music, sound effects, voice over, graphics, animations, code. You name it - I do it. It might sound like I am bragging but actually... My selection of skills was never a case of choice but... Need. I just never found a suitable partner to team up with. So I ended up learning everything - so I can produce what I need without asking for help or waiting for the help to come.

    If you mean the graphics of space - those are actually a result of some tricks and clever use of the engine. The whole background scene, under the grid is made of 5 different images. Where 3 of those 5 often do not spawn at all. The key here is reusing the same graphics but in a different fashion.

    The two main images which the background is made of are Stars and Nebulas. But scattered across 12 parallax layers with different zoom. Every time the player enters a new sector, that images are being reroll too. Size, angle, colors HUE, opacity, position and movement - all randomized. And out of those two images - I generate a practically infinite number of almost unique new sceneries.

    The trick was to make the nebula texture as busy as its possible. I did that by taking some parts and bits from official NASA pictures, remixing them and blending with artificially created vistas. This way the image feels unique and like a video game, but also has this hard to catch vibe of realism, which comes from the original source.

    Anyway - thank you, gosh - thank very much!

    At this point I started to get afraid that I'll be only talking to myself here haha.

  • First debiut footages of Stellar Flux. Hope you'll it! (Click the pic)

  • And ANOTHER update! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> (I am on fire, oh yeah!~ )

    Ingame VIDEO! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy"> Finally I am getting my **** kind a sorted after all those holidays and I have something that's in motion. There is not that much to do ingame, but there will be. For now - its more of a showreel of how the in game looks and feels. I am trying my best to make the game world feel and be both interactive and alive. So nothing is pure "decoration". Stray roids can be catched. They smash into sun, spaceships, planets and each other. Planet can collide, black holes sucks everything in, suns burns. And I am adding new elements each day. Hope you'll like it. I am doing my best.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Small Update (Because of the weekend)

    So because there is another long weekend going on - I cannot work too much on the game. But I did found couple of spare minutes to check something out. I've made a test music(?) for Stellar Flux . It was something new as I've never made space music before. My domain are rather creepy, brainmelting, horror tunes. But this ain't that bad. Give it a listen and tell me what do you think, but don't expect Mozart. Its the result of around 30 minutes of work. So no fireworks.

    You can listen to/get the music for free from here