Vhael's Forum Posts

  • Thank you so much :)

    Good Work Shinkan!

    Saved my ass, because i was using your plugin for prototyping some parts of my game :P

  • Hello Shinkan, can you please re-upload the plugin?


  • Thank you so much naelian, I'm waiting to Spriter, to make the animations more fluid and better, also I'm making a bounce system improved!

    Thank you for the feedback man! <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm releasing the demo of my project, DaSplat! - Love hurts

    The game is focused on make the new generation of gamers, feel like us in the 90s!

    The art of the game is WIP, but the gameplay is also hard as hell!

    I'm updating the demo every day with bugfixes :)

    Now you can play it just by clicking on Play!

    Help us making a contribution to IndieGoGo please!

    or simply share the game with your people!

    Let's make it happen!

    Thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Hi all

    My team is developing a serious game with C2 and now we need your help!

    <img src="http://www.rob-aguilar.com/images/Logo2.png" border="0">

    Scirra yesterday twitted about us maybe you know who we are, but if you don't here is the link where you can read all of the information about our game and what we are doing right now.

    Help us get funded!

    <img src="http://www.rob-aguilar.com/images/Screen3.png" border="0">

    We're actually looking for a good pixel artist, if you want to join us, please write in this post!



    Thanks to Lucid for Spriter, we are waiting to work with it!

  • Yay, i mean that :)

    Try it ;)

  • My name is Robert,

    I'm a Game Developer Student, well actually I've finished my studies and now I'm working in a project and get some experience in professional game development.

  • Maybe , you can force the view to be in a Sector of the screen and if the user clicks or presses a key scroll on X or Y, and for the smooth effect you can use DeltaTime Multiplier like :


    if onkey pressed "enter"

    for ( actualX or Y to new X or Y)

    scroll x ( newx or y * dt * 1(or the amount of ticks you want)


    Hope this works for you, sorry for the fast reply i'm not in my home :)

  • I think he wants to make a cut in the middle of the screen and make a double view or something.

  • I don't get the question, i think you mean if the window size changes.. but the most used way to keep the same movement Speed is (multiply)* per Delta Time.

    Example : speed * deltaTime;

    Hope this works for you.


  • Yayy! Multiplayer is a cool thing , but i think Construct 2 Needs a power up in effects zone, yes we can do a lot of things with events but shaders are amazing and they would take a lot of work from us :)

    Keep the good job guys! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • The thing is that its weird because i've tried all the possible combos, i think its an issue of friction or that i need to put physics in the terrain, but i dont know what properties to put.


    Because of the density of things and plugins in the other capx, i've created a new one, but its the same(almost) the only thing is that in the other capx he can jump and rotate gravity but its all the same.


    And Sorry for the tardance also thanks for the fast reply mate :)

    Sorry for my english :3

  • Bump *

    + Info : When i put my Physics behavior on the sphere, the sphere starts to vibrate and my Camera Layout to bounce... anybody knows what is the reason?


  • Try Construct 3

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  • Oh, thanks for the reply, i didn't set any physics to the sphere, the physics are on another sphere overlapped to it , my view turns a bit weird when i make my principal sphere the physic one.

  • Sorry for the spelling, i mean this

    <img src="http://www.picamatic.com/show/2012/03/20/08/59/8303018_300x300.png" border="0" />

    Because my bounding box (Collision mode) is spherical not a box.

    I need to push my sphere to -Y when it's near the corner of the platform.