Platform Corners

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • Hi all, this is my first question :3

    How do i make the corners of my box platforms push down my player? (Is an Sphere) Because he collissions aren't correct, i can walk a bit in the corners...

    Thanks :)

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  • I have no idea what you are asking?! <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Sorry for the spelling, i mean this

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Because my bounding box (Collision mode) is spherical not a box.

    I need to push my sphere to -Y when it's near the corner of the platform.

  • If the sphere has the physics behaviour, you can set it's collision to cirle.

  • Oh, thanks for the reply, i didn't set any physics to the sphere, the physics are on another sphere overlapped to it , my view turns a bit weird when i make my principal sphere the physic one.

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    + Info : When i put my Physics behavior on the sphere, the sphere starts to vibrate and my Camera Layout to bounce... anybody knows what is the reason?


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    + Info : When i put my Physics behavior on the sphere, the sphere starts to vibrate and my Camera Layout to bounce... anybody knows what is the reason?


    When physics objects are colliding without much speed/movement, apparently the physics behavior tries to "shake" things up since the recent versions.

    You should read the tutorials about basic and advanced physics.

    Play with the "stepping mode" and "stepping iterations" (check the manual entry).

    The ball hasn't enough momentum to move and just ends stopping on the plane surface of the box.

    The camera shaking is probably due to the "Scroll to" behavior that is probably set to the physic ball.

    But to really help you we have to see your capx, you should post it.

  • The thing is that its weird because i've tried all the possible combos, i think its an issue of friction or that i need to put physics in the terrain, but i dont know what properties to put.


    Because of the density of things and plugins in the other capx, i've created a new one, but its the same(almost) the only thing is that in the other capx he can jump and rotate gravity but its all the same.

    And Sorry for the tardance also thanks for the fast reply mate :)

    Sorry for my english :3

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