Change its fall speed for a short lapse of time perhaps?
I'm trying to fix this small input problem in which the S key seems to enter into a loop. When I'm doing the events of the second image, it goes back to the events of the first one. I tried different methods but nothing seems to work and I'm sure it might be something extremely simple that I completely fail to see.
Thanks in advance.
There's also MagicaVoxel
and Qubicle Constructor
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Having the same issue. But no problem Ashley Thanks for fixing it so fast. It's really appreciated.
366 events for a Metroidvania rpg platformer but I got a good bunch of the gameplay mechanics done.
I tried to optimize the most I can for debugging purposes and to avoid too much complexity when finding errors.
Booleans is the way to go. Or just go with the FSM Plugin which work quite well.
Beaverlicious, that's an excellent tutorial for beginners and even more advanced users
Actually the Keep it simple could be applied to even advanced artists. A few years ago I did the mistake to have visions of grandeur (I'm a 3d Artist), and I failed miserably until recently when I decided to tone it down and keep it simpler, which works great.
Develop a game that doesnt require a lot of complicated graphics. Bear in mind that a great game doesnt need great graphics but mostly a great ambiance and gameplay. Thomas Was Alone is a good exemple. Hope that helps
jayderyu, that seems like a great suggestion. Ill be trying that
I do the same, separate sheet with comments, But I find it difficult when it comes so adding them via System - etc. All the variables are listed by alphabetical order. Perhaps could be via sub categories so it could match the comments/name for each category in the var sheet.
Minor, very Fez Style. Cool stuff.
ahr Ech: Nice boss!
I think having a better organization within Global / Local variables would be great.
For now, every time I need to use one I have to go through a big list.
Maybe could be organized into sub-categories for better readability?
Ashley, with all the great features that has been raining over us in the last months, we can't wait 1-2 weeks no more. If are spoiled kids!
here you go, I centered your text on the options and also changed the text hotspot which is the equivalent to image point.
Then at the beginning of the layout I set position to the container sprite.
Hope that can help you.
On Sprite2 -- On Collision with Sprite3
----SubEvent conditions ---------System Set Collision1 to 0
Score Rotate 180 Degrees clockwise
You will also have to properly position the text so it doesn't move all around.