vee41's Forum Posts

  • > if you put the enemies into a family you could save the uid of the family

    > the collision would pick the right enemy a,b or c

    How would I put the enemies into a family? What's a "family" in C2 terms?

    Here is link to description of families.

  • Try this: give diamond sprites bullet behavior and set it's properties to speed: 200, gravity: 200

    If you turn the diamonds angle straight up (rotate counterclockwise wise 90 degrees) it all adds up to a nice effect :)

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  • Randomize number (perhaps with help of method described before, perhaps with something more efficient) and push it into an array. Every 5 seconds pop the amount of numbers you want.

  • You could check for collision at offset (right in front of sprite) and if other object is detected you can disable collisions in case the speed condition is filled.

    Or you could use the invisible collision sprite like you said yourself. It's probably your best bet. :)

  • Or just use the max function.

    largestValue = Max(apple, pear, banana, watermelon)

    Nice, didn't know of that!

  • Try something like this:

    variable largest

    variable largestValue

    for each item

        item.value > largestValue

        largest = item

        largestValue = item.value

    Items could be a family, a sprite or whatever fits your needs :)

  • Something like this?

  • A collision check should do the trick, here is a demo:

    Evil Sprites

    You could adjust it to your environment, so you check for object speeds when collision happens etc.

  • Should be there under 'System' actions. :)

  • If you have a variable where you have amount of stars, all you need to is spawn the correct amount of stars. You could so it with this sort of event:

    For 0 to AmountOfStars - 1

          Create Object Star at (X+50*loopIndex, Y)

    The X+50*loopIndex makes sure the stars are not spawned on top of each other, but 50 pixels apart.

  • You can either have a behavior on object or not, there is no way to have separate versions of the same object. Doesn't really make sense when you read that sentence, huh? :)

    What you can do, is disable/enable the anchor behavior on sprites you wish via events.

    Add an event like this:

    On start of layout

    Pick the free moving sprite

         Set Sprite Anchor disabled

  • Something like this perhaps?

    Scrolling text demo

    Using some custom behaviors like MoveTo or EasyTween creating this would probably be a bit easier.

  • Exactly :)

    Your question:

    From 0 to width-1 (indexes from 0 to 9) is not same as from 1 to width (indexes from 1 to 10)

    Both index 10 values, but as the array only has values in indexes 0-9, the later one would try to index array values that do not exist. This is not recommended, ever :)

  • array.width = 10

    array.height = 10

    That means your array is 10 elements wide and 10 elements high.

    Indexing of arrays starts from 0, so your array indexing should be from 0 .. array.width-1 (9, which is the index of last array value)

  • You'd need to set the location of the object you want to move at the moment 'Touch start' event is triggered. Would be something like this:

    On any touch start

        Actor set position to touch.X, touch.Y