Hi all.
array.width = 10
array.height = 10
I created an array with
-for x from 0 to array width
--for y from 0 to array height
*create object sprite at(loopIndex("x")*17,loopIndex("y")*17)
*array.set value at(loopIndex("x"),loopIndex("y")) to random(3)
*sprite.set animation frame to array.value
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqlv5zmtzcub2wm/first.jpg" border="0" />
so far so good It creates randomly framed 11 to 11 sprites.
weirdness starts from now on
-button on click
--for each sprite
--array. for each xy element
*create object sprite at((TwoDimensionalArray.CurX)*17,(TwoDimensionalArray.CurY)*17)
<img src="https://www.dropbox.com/s/o81ezt8qq4bsx37/duo.jpg" border="0" />
It creates 10 to 10 sprites ?!?
Why not 11 ?