vee41's Forum Posts

  • Here are few ideas. I am assuming that arrays first column holds the 'name' and second column holds some stuff that you want to appear on mouse over or whatever.

    for 0 to array.height

    .. create text at 100, 100+100*loopIndex // these could be icons or whatever, you could set icons frame/animation based on array value

    .. set text to, loopIndex)

    .. set text.Index to loopIndex // an instance variable that defines which row of the array this text represents

    This would automagically create a text box for each of your array values.

    on mouse over text

    .. set mouseOverText to, 1)

    This would display a mouse over info from the array when you mouse over a related text object.

    Edit: Quick example

  • ebrar Sorries, fixed it.

  • Here is an ugly solution. touch path

    Not perfect, but you should get the idea. It's done with two variables and single else branch.

  • Use tokencount() and tokenat() expressions.

    Something like this:

    for 0 to tokencount(str, ",")-1

    tokenat(str, loopindex, ",") = wantedStuff

    .. do stuff, like set the current loopIndex into variable

  • 800+ events hmm... vee41, where are you published commercial games?!

    Just lots of prototypes, nothing commercial yet. :)

  • I tried grouping objects as a family but onDestroy seemed to destroy every single instance of the objects I grouped.

    Families would be one way to do this.

    Your destroy event is probably like this: 'Destroy object', when it should be 'Destroy family'.

  • I had 800+ event project with lots of function calls. At some point, I noticed I had been using rex's function plugin (which is great!) instead of official function plugin which I intended to use. This was before the replace feature implementation, was a bit of clicking.. :)

  • I don't really understand your point; instance variable is a variable specific to an instance of an object. Health of an instance seems to be textbook use of instance variables :)

  • It seems to me that having health as instance variable makes more sense in your case. So you should look for a way to preserve the value between layouts. You could make player object global for example.

  • what about adding an option to extend the view distance of the layout based on resolution?

    Doesn't scale mode do this already? Linky

  • You could have the animated object using different timescale via the 'set object timescale' event.

  • First get your game approved on steam, you`ll get all the help you need to publish it after that. :-)

    You can have gamepad controls in c2.

  • If your colliding shapes are simple, like squares, you can calculate the point of collision with some effort. For more complex collision shapes it would probably require lots of effort to get working properly.

    I recall there being some discussion about the same topic recently, so try the search.

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  • Add 'for each 1_amber_particle' condition between your 'every 2.4s' and 'repeat' conditions.

    • Post link icon

    Interesting to see that most vocal part of the community (judging by these comments) seems to want debugger/modularity/tile maps, while the poll doesn't fully reflect that sentiment.